Chapter fourteen (Final)

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"Serenity... Serenity!" I woke to Kenton calling my name softly. "I'm awake." I heard him sigh in relief when I answered him. "They brought food down for you, but you need to get to it before the rats do. Sorry for waking you." I sat up and rolled my shoulders out. They were sore and stiff from sleeping on the floor. I also felt like a chill had set in. "It's OK, thank you." I felt my way across the floor to the bars and knocked a tray. I sighed as I tried to work out how I could feed myself in the dark. I heard a click and looked up as the lights in the hall turned on again. Glancing out through the bars I tried to see who turned them on. I couldn't see closer enough to the door to see who it was and seconds later the door was shut again.

I carefully picked up the tray and slid it through the bars. Placing it back down on the floor in front of me, I looked at it. There was an apple and two pieces of toast. Not the most appealing breakfast, but I had eaten worse. I picked up a piece of toast and took a bite. Just as I was about to swallow it I gagged and almost vomited. "Serenity?" I heard Kenton call out in concern. "I'm OK, I just chocked on a piece of toast." Kenton's chain dragged across the ground. "Serenity... You said last night, that you found your mate?" I looked over at him. "Yeah?" He stepped up close to the bars so I could see him better. "Did you... Never mind... Can you stand up for me next to the bars silently for a minute, please?" I looked at him and frowned. "OK."

I stood up from the ground and stood against the bars for a minute. He closed his eyes and tilted his head sideways. He seemed to be listening for something. "Kenton..." He held his hand up at me to silence me. Suddenly his eyes flew open and he looked at me intensely. My frown deepened. "Kenton, what's wrong?" He stepped back slightly and looked down at the ground nervously. "Nothing... Nothing. We need to get you out of here, now. Serenity you need to contact your mate if you can." I looked at him closely. "OK, but Kenton, we need to get more information on the number of rogues here." He stepped back up to the bars. "Serenity why didn't you just ask? There are about a hundred and twenty in total. Five are living currently in the main pack house while the rest are sleeping down in the training center. They take it in shifts, so there's always at least fifty awake." I looked at him shocked. "How do you know all that?!" He smiled and tilted his head sideways. "Same way you can get the light turned on. I still have a few loyal pack members playing their part in getting information to me... Well, when they can." He smiled proudly.

I smiled back at Kenton and walked to the back of my cell. Sliding down the wall I pictured Marcus and reached out through the link. "Marcus?" There was no reply so I tried again. "Marcus?" I felt him through the link. "Serenity? Is everything OK? Are you in danger?" I smiled at his concern. "No it's OK. Just I managed to get some more information for you. The rogues, Marcus says there are a hundred and twenty. Five up in the pack house, always fifty at least on duty and the rest bunk down in the training grounds." I felt his surprise leak through. "How does he know all this?" I smiled. "Some of the pack are still loyal to him. They sneak information to him when they can, I'm guessing they all have been waiting to be saved." I felt his resolve leak through. He was coming soon. "We move tonight then. Make sure your brother is ready, get him to contact those of the pack he trusts, we may still need their help getting in silently." I smiled in relief. "I will."

After closing off the link I moved back to my food. "Are they coming soon?" Kenton had been waiting. "Yes. Marcus also said for you to contact those you trust. They want to get in as silently as they can." He nodded. "Smart move. I like the guy already. I'll get a pack member to meet them at the border." I nodded as I tried a bite of the apple. I managed to swallow it and hold it down unlike the toast. I continued eating the apple happily until we heard the door open again. Both Kenton and I looked out of our cells as the footsteps approached us slowly. They were light and clicking. Olivia.

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