Chapter nine

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Stephanie had sat in front of me talking about how her and Blake were going to be settling down into his pack house once they had finished getting everything sorted out with the rogues. I just sat there listening and smiling at her in agreement while my own thoughts kept wondering off to Marcus and what he was doing at the moment. I knew they were trying to get more information on the attacks on Stephanie but I wasn't sure how the wolves following me played in to the picture. The best I could come up with was maybe both parties had started working together after the attack at the motel. I mean to me it would make sense. Enemy of thy enemy and all.

I sighed as Stephanie said something and I smiled at her nodding. She slapped me. "Ow! What the hell Stephanie?" She tilted her head. "Really? You just agreed to have sex with me Serenity!" I gawked at her and she burst out laughing. "I noticed you had gone into your own world so I asked if you wanted to have sex with me. Clearly you were not paying attention." I smiled embarrassed. "Sorry Stephanie. I'm just all over the place at the moment. I know the Alphas are trying to sort everything out and work out how to deal with the attacks but...I can't help but feeling like I should be doing more. Do you know what I mean?" She nodded. "I do, but I'm also used to the men of our pack doing their job. They fight for us and protect us. Wow that actually sounds sadder than it should hey?" I nodded smirking at her. "Just a little. I mean haven't you ever wanted to just stand up for yourself and fight your own battles?" She thought about it for a minute. "Yeah, I have actually."

Stephanie bounced up off the bed and held her hand out to me. "Where are we going?" She smiled widely at me. "To get answers and to take charge of this ourselves." She looked so determined I couldn't help but smile. I took her hand and let her help me up from the bed. My leg felt fine strangely enough. I shrugged and walked with Stephanie to the door. She opened it and poked her head out looking around. She pulled it open the rest of the way and stepped through. "Come on. This way." She led me down the hallways to a set of stairs that looked like they went down deep into the mansion.

I followed Stephanie carefully until we reached the bottom. She looked around the corner carefully before stepping out. She led me to a door that was slightly ajar. She frowned. "This shouldn't be open..." I looked at her. She pushed the door lightly and it moved open further. Both of us covered our mouths in shock. What had been a prison now lay slumped against a wall with his throat missing. "I'm sorry Stephanie, but I don't think we are going to get any answers from him." Her shoulder dropped as she sighed. "Maybe we can try another prison. I'm sure they brought more than one down here." She turned and looked at the other doors. Most of them were slightly open but two were locked. She stepped up to the first one and looked in. "Nope." She stepped back and turned to the other door. "And nope... Now what?" She looked at me disheartened. I sighed and shrugged. I was at more of a loss than her.

We walked back up the stairs slowly trying to think of other ways to get the information that we were looking for. voices sounded close to us and Stephanie stopped still. I stood next to her quietly as we waited. Whoever it was finished their conversation after a few minutes and we heard footsteps walking away. "You can come out now." Noah said. We both stepped out from around the corner blushing. "Where have you two been?" Stephanie stumbled over her words as she tried to answer. "No where... Stephanie was just taking me for a walk to help with the slight stiffness in my leg. We just heard people talking and didn't want to interrupt so figured we'd just wait...And I thought we might get in trouble because of my leg..." I covered quickly. Noah looked at me closely for a moment then smiled tightly. "Yeah well you really shouldn't be up on it yet. How about you go back and rest for a bit now that you've had your walk." We nodded quickly and headed off towards my room.

"How did you just do that?" Stephanie asked as soon as we were out of ear shot. "Do what?" She looked at me and blinked. "Really? You don't remember what I said? You can't lie to an Alpha Serenity! How did you just do it?" We reached my door and I opened it. I shrugged. "I don't know..." We walked in and closed the door. Stephanie sat down on the bed and stared at me. "Noah should have been able to tell if you were lying but if he did then he didn't say anything. I doubt he would have stayed quiet though if you lied to him." I looked at her. "I still don't even know how I managed to link people that I shouldn't be able to. Maybe it's just another strange thing I can do?" Stephanie raised her eyebrows. "That all you've got? Wow. Well that still doesn't help us with our other dilemma either."

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