Chapter six

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Marcus' POV

Keith called my name through the link and I looked over to him at the stairs. He was holding Serenity's hand and looked very concerned. As I reached them her eyes rolled in her head slightly and stepped forward and scooped her up into my arms. I pulled her against my chest tightly. "I've got her Keith." I said as I run up the stairs. I was taking her to my room. The poor girl was exhausted from everything that had happened over the last few days at least. I had seen her start to get anxious when everyone migrated over to the new mates. I went over to her hoping to offer a little comfort without overwhelming her but then I could help but tell her about mates touching. I pulled away from her before she had the chance to piece too much together because I had made a promise to Keith and Noah. I would give her time to adjust to everything else before telling her. Problem was, that promise was getting harder and harder to keep.

I reached my door and kicked it open. I walked through and kicked it shut again behind me. Now I was done. She needed me and I wanted her. Badly. I wasn't keeping no damn promise if it put her more at risk. At least with her knowing I would be able to offer my mate comfort whenever she needed it and openly do it. No more of this subtle bullshit. So what? She had been living like a human alone for the last few years. She had been on the run while doing it. She had even helped Keith's damned daughter! They didn't give the girl enough credit for how strong she really was. I laid her down on the bed and looked at her. She was like a fragile angel. My mood softened as I stared at her. Ok fine, I could see why they asked what they did. Hell if I had been in their shoes I may have even asked the same thing, but now she needed me and that was what made the difference.

I sighed as I looked at her dress. I couldn't strip her and change her clothes to make her more comfortable the best I could do right now was hold her. I took my shirt off and discarded my shoes next to the bed. I walked around and climbed onto the bed behind her. I pulled her gently to my chest and heard her moan sweetly. Goddess she will be the death of me. I smiled at the thought of me making her moan like that while she was awake. I would make her scream my name, but not now. Now she needed to recover if she was going to go through with everything tomorrow night. I slid my arm under her head and laid mine down on the pillow next to her. I breathed in her scent as I listened to her breathing soften and ease. She had finally transitioned into sleep and I smiled.

I woke to soft knocks on my door. I opened up the link so I didn't speak and wake Serenity who was still asleep on my arm curled up. "What?" someone cleared their throat. "Sorry Alpha, but people are asking where you are and Alpha Keith is wanting to know where Serenity is?" I groaned slightly. Damn it. I carefully slid my arm out from under Serenity's head. I stopped to make sure I hadn't disturbed her before climbing off the bed. I walked over and pulled the door open. I looked straight into the face of my Beta. "She is in here with me, asleep." I stated to him. I know I shouldn't be pissed at him, it's not his fault that he was the only one with enough brains to check my room and he would have just been following orders of the Alphas, but it didn't change the fact that I was pissed. I didn't want to be away from my mate.

Just as he was about to speak again a voice cut in which made my hair stand on end and grated against my nerves. "Darling, there you are." Kathleen looked at my beta in disgust and stepped in front of him placing her hands against my chest. My beta, Brandon, rolled his eyes. He didn't like Kathleen anymore than I did. I grabbed her hands forcefully and pushed them away from my chest. "Kathleen, you've been told. More than once." I said glaring down at her. She pouted at me and sighed. "But the pack chose me for you..." She tried. I snorted at her. "That doesn't mean shit and you know it. You were sent as company nothing more. I've found my mate and your Luna so if you can't respect that then leave. Now." I saw Brandon half smile at that as he looked away from the situation. "Fine. Then I'll leave, but you will want me again at some point and you better hope I still want you." She said haughtily and walked away. Brandon sobered up a little and looked at me. "You need to be careful of that one Marcus. I don't think we've heard the end of it from her." I looked down the hall and nodded in agreement. "Watch her closely and if she makes one wrong move...Dispose of her." I heard a soft moan and movement from my bed. I looked back and noticed Serenity stirring. I sighed. "Brandon let Keith know I'm on my way. I need to try and maintain my promise to him." Brandon frowned at me. I tilted my head sideways. "I'll explain later. I'm going to call Stephanie to my room." Brandon's eyes widened a little and I shook my head. "I'm not going to be here you moron." He smirked at me and walked away. "Stephanie?" I waited a moment. "Yes Alpha?" I smiled good. "I need you to come and sit with Serenity so she isn't alone." Seconds later a smiling Stephanie stood in front of me.

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