Chapter thirteen

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Silent tears rolled down my cheeks as I walked away from the back of the house towards the woods. My goodbye to Stephanie was almost as hard as the goodbye to Marcus. I barely managed to walk out the back door of the house afterwards, but here I was making my way across the grass while looking back, making sure that no one was following. I had to make it look really or they wouldn't buy it. The part that frightened me, was not knowing what they were going to do with me. Marcus had promised to be as close as he could in case I needed help. I sighed and wiped the tears away as I continued walking.

I reached the tree line and stopped. I looked back at the house sadly, wishing I could just walk straight back inside. I turned and looked into the woods, remembering the path we had all discussed me taking. I started moving forward quickly before I lost my nerve. I reached the river and followed it back around towards the front of the house. I was starting to think that the rogues had left when I heard a growl from behind me. I turned slowly and raised my hands. "I'm not here to fight..." I stammered out. It stepped closer and growled again when a slightly familiar face moved out from behind a tree. "Well, well, what do we have here?" He eyed me up and down.

I lowered my hands as he moved closer. "You have caused me a lot of trouble." His voiced held an underlying threat and I cringed. "I'm sorry...I...Got nervous last time." He tilted his head quizzically. "Well, you are here for me aren't you?" He looked at me curiously. "What makes you think that?" I sighed and risked a step towards him. "I've been hunted all my life, so seeing you all here..." He stared at me coldly. "Yeah I know. So what do you want now that you're not so...Nervous?" I looked down at the ground then back up at him. "I'm tired of running. I'm done putting other people in danger." He stepped closer. "Good choice." More growls sounded behind me and I started to get frightened a little. I looked back and four other wolves had snuck up behind me. He held up his hand and they stopped moving. "Go tell her." I frowned at him. "Who's her?" He smiled darkly at me. "You'll find out soon enough." Suddenly everything went dark and the last thing I heard was him laughing.

I woke with a pounding headache. I reached up and carefully moved my hand over my head. "Ouch!" I hit a spot that felt wet and sticky. I opened my eyes slowly and waited as they adjusted. "They won't adjust." I flinched at the voice. "Who's there?" I heard shuffling and the scrapping of a chain. "Nobody really, but you're in the dark, so your eyes wont adjust...Yet." I slowly slid myself up so I was sitting. "So where are we then?" I heard him sigh sadly. "You're in the Savage moon pack's holding cells. If you're who I think you are, then you won't be here for long. Olivia will send someone down to get you." I shivered in the cold. "Who's Olivia?" I heard the chain scrap again. "The Luna of this pack...And my mother..." I gasped in shock. "Why the hell would she put you down here?" Silence answered me.

I was sitting in silence, listening for any sounds I could pick up, when a door opened, leaking some light through. I stood and looked through a set of bars down a hallway. There were other sets of bars down the full length of the hall. I looked over at the set of bars opposite me. Green eyes stared back at me. "Don't fight her Serenity, please. The more you fight the more likely it is that she will kill you before anyone can stop her..." Suddenly we turned as footsteps approached us. A large blonde haired guy with dark brown eyes stopped outside my cell. He glared at the green eyes before looking back at me. "Doesn't matter, there isn't no rescue coming for her." He unlocked the door and stepped in smiling menacingly. "Move it." He pushed me out the door. I glanced once at the green eyes before I was shoved further down the hall.

I squinted as we stepped out into the sunlight. Blondie closed a large door behind me while my eyes still adjusted. "Move." He shoved me again and I started moving forward. I looked around me and noticed one thing straight out, everyone walking around looked miserable. On top of being miserable, most were being followed by menacing looking guys. I jumped to the conclusion they were rogues. No one looked at me, not once. He guided me past people and up to a large white house. There were a lot of rogues standing around watching people on the outside. We stepped up to a door and one of the rogues opened it for us. Stepping inside I couldn't help but notice it was empty. "Where is everyone?" He pushed me towards a set of doors. "Shut up." He knocked on one of the doors and waited. "Come in." A woman's voice called out.

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