Chapter seven

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Once everyone had finished training and doing runs we had all migrated inside. People dispersed in different directions and I went looking for Stephanie. I wondered into the kitchen but only found Clarisa in there bossing the other ladies around. She was trying to help them prepare dinner. I don't think they really wanted her help but she was going to give it anyway. I smiled and walked back out and up the stairs towards the rooms hoping that Stephanie would be in her room. I wanted to talk to her about a few things. I knocked on her door and waited for answer. After a few seconds with no response I opened it carefully and pocked my head through. The room was completely empty as I looked around. Geez she was messy I laughed to myself. Her bed wasn't made and her dress from the night before was still lying on the floor. I stepped back and closed the door shaking my head. I sighed as I looked up and down the hallway thinking. I randomly decided to try my room but of course she wasn't in there either.

I walked back down the hall and took the stairs that led to the main room. I finally spotted Stephanie just as she was walking out the front doors. "Stephanie!" I called out to her but she didn't hear. So I jumped down the last couple of steps and ran after her. I reached the doors and slowed down to a walk as I stepped outside. I walked away from the doors and looked in both directions. I saw her walking in the direction of the forest. I hope she didn't plan on going out there on her own. I ran over to her and gently grabbed her arm. "Stephanie." She stopped and looked at me. "Serenity. Hey how are you going?" I smiled at her gently. "Please tell me you weren't planning on going out there just then?" She sighed heavily. "No I wasn't, I promise. I just came out here to think, really." She said looking at me seriously before looking back out at the forest. I let go of her arm and stepped up next to her. Ours arms were touching and she leaned her head over on my shoulder.

"Serenity, what happens if tonight doesn't work? What if he doesn't take the bait?" I rested my head against hers and held her hand for comfort. "Then we try again, and we keep trying until we get him. I'm tired of running and hiding from problems Stephanie and I won't let that happen to you. It sucks. We will stop him even if I have to personally hunt him to the ends of the earth." She laughed lightly at that. "I don't think your mate will be too happy if you had to do that." I smiled. "Well too bad, he can suck it up and help." She lifted her head up and laughed harder. I felt good to hear her laugh again. I started laughing with her which felt even better. That's how Blake found us, laughing like two crazy ladies in the middle of nowhere.

"Did I miss something funny?" He asked as he stepped up next to Stephanie and took her other hand. "Serenity plans on dragging her mate to the ends of the earth protecting my innocent." Stephanie stated to him with a straight face. Blake looked absolutely stunned. Stephanie and I burst out laughing at his face. "Wait...What?" he asked confused. "It's ok Blake your completely safe I promise." I said to him while still laughing hysterically with Stephanie. "Right... Well when you two have finished earning a one way ticket to the pack doctor, everyone is being gathered in the council chambers." That sobered us both up quickly. We nodded and I let go of Stephanie's hand as Blake led her back towards the house. I watched them walk away slightly and looked back at the forest. I was deadly serious with what I said. I was done. No more running, no more hiding from now on I would actually stand up and save myself...And the ones I had come to love.

We walked inside and I saw people heading up stairs to the council chambers. I walked faster to catch up to Stephanie and Blake so I wouldn't get lost. I still hadn't got used to where every room was so it was easier to follow others. I had managed to work out where the rooms but that was still mostly a fluke, and I had also worked out how to find my way from the rooms to the front area. My theory was walk in the direction I wanted and hope for the best. So far it had worked most of the time but I was sure at some point it would fail me. I followed them up the stairs and down a hall where I could see others entering a room. We walked in and I spotted Clarisa but couldn't see Keith. I walked over to her and she smiled at me. This room wasn't as large as some of the others and I assumed that it wasn't really meant for holding this many people but the older Alphas needed to sit down and I noticed a map on the table that covered the house and surrounding grounds up to the edge of the forest.

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