Chapter twelve

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I finished in the bath and sat there with my knees pulled up against me. I had wanted Marcus to stay but he left anyway. I thought I knew why but it didn't stop it from hurting a little anyway. I sighed as I slid my legs back out and stretched slightly. I used the edge of the bath to help me stand and carefully climbed out making sure not to put too much weight on my leg. If Clarisa found out I was standing on it I'm pretty sure she would kill me. I lowered myself back down on to the edge and debated whether to call Marcus or risk getting the towel and walking out on my own. "Marcus?" I called out figuring he would happily tell on me to Clarisa. He stepped through the door and looked at me before quickly looking away. "Sorry..." He growled out. He walked over and grabbed the towel before walking back to me. He held it out while looking away and I stood myself up carefully. I reached out and took his face in my hands and turned him to look at me again. I moved closer and went to stand up on my toes. He noticed the movement and wrapped the towel around me as he lifted me up. I smiled and kissed him.

He held me tightly against him and returned the kiss deeply. I wrapped my arms around his neck holding on tight. He turned and carried me from the bathroom. We reached the bed and he lay me down like I was fragile. He went to pull back and I grabbed his face pulling him back to me. He held himself above me with his arms. I moved my hands down and over his chest as he closed his eyes trying to control himself. I felt the rumble build in his chest as his eyes opened again looking at me. "Serenity..." He struggled out and I lifted myself using his shoulders to kiss him. He lowered himself slightly to me and I felt one of his arms slid slowly under my back. He pulled me against him and sat back up taking me with him. I moved my legs so they wrapped around his waist as he pulled me against him harder with both arms. I ran my nails through his hair and I heard him moan in response. I smiled against his lips as he pulled back. He placed his forehead against mine with his eyes closed. "Serenity...I won't be able to stop again..." I moved my hips against him and he growled. "I don't want you to..."

He flipped me off his lap and onto the bed as he slid his body between my legs. He kissed me then trailed kisses slowly down my neck and across my collar bone. He moved one of his hands and gently pulled at the towel. It fell open easily as he kissed down further to my breasts. My body arched against him as he took one in his mouth. The same hand that opened the towel slid down my side and onto my thigh massaging it softly. He slid the hand up and between my legs making my breath catch in my throat. He started moving his fingers slowly in circles as he trailed kisses down further. He nibbled softly on my sides making me squirm against him more. I looked down at him as he reached my inner thigh and bite down gently. I threw my head back and moaned out his name. "Marcus..." I felt him smile against my thigh as he kissed it

Me moved down further between my legs and replaced his fingers with his tongue. My body lifted itself higher f the bed as I moaned louder. I felt a warmth building between my legs and spreading up through my body. He moved his fingers below his mouth and pushed gently at my opening. He slid them in slowly then back out again making sparks follow the warmth as it continued to climb my body. He continued to work magic between my legs as I threw my head from side to side moaning his name, begging him not to stop. He pulled his fingers out and trailed kiss back up my body to my neck as I whimpered in disappointment. "Not yet my love..." I groaned at him as he pulled away for just a moment, He moved back between my legs and I could feel he no longer had pants on. I looked down at him while breathing heavy and almost died. "Marcus..." I said a little worried. He smiled at me and kissed me softly. "I'll fit love, don't worry."

He positioned himself between my legs carefully and kissed me again. Gently nibbling his way down my jaw to my collar bone. I ran my nails up his back and moaned softly as he started to push against me. He slowly slid inside me and pushing a little deeper each time. I felt like I was going to tear open but each time I felt that he would stop and I would relax a little. He had worked his mouth back down to my breasts and was rubbing and nibbling at them gently as he pushed again. I felt a sharp pain and the fuzziness cleared instantly. I gasped a little in shock and his mouth was on mine in seconds. My eyes fluttered closed again as he kissed me deeply. I didn't even notice when he first started to move again. His movements were slow and gentle when I noticed and the pain had subsided. I felt the warmth starting again and he lifted me up onto his lap as he sat up, still inside me. I moaned as he lowered my body down onto his and I moved my hips slowly against him.

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