Chapter 9 - Gameday

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Kyle had been amazing these past few days. Strangely enough, we'd spent more time on the stairs in front of our flats than in anyone's home, but it felt special to us. We hadn't slept together yet, but with the growing attraction between us, I doubt we would be able to resist it much longer.

As I reached our apartment building tonight, I was eager to see him again. We'd been hanging out nearly every night and it truly was a breath of fresh air after dealing with Naomi during practice. I'd tried talking to her but she was stubborn and honestly didn't care about anything I said.

It was late once again, well past nine o'clock.

"You sure took your time," Kyle's voice sounded as I reached our floor. He was sitting on the stairs in front of our apartments with a bag of takeaway food.

"I accidentally bought too much Chinese food, care to join me?" he offered. "I really won't be able to finish, you'd be helping me out. Plus, I'm sure you don't want to be cooking at this time," he added when he'd noticed my hesitation.

It was late and I wasn't looking forward to cooking tonight.

"Sure," I accepted smiling up at him. I knew for a fact he didn't order too much, I'd seen him eat before and he could eat for an entire family if he felt like it. I felt giddy knowing he intentionally, bought me food.

We sat down next to each other, eating and talking. I'd never found someone I could talk to so easily. It was refreshing to be able to be myself around him. He'd laugh at my jokes, even if I knew my sense of humor didn't please everyone.

Once he'd finished he moved to sit behind me, dropping his hand onto my shoulder and massaging it delicately.

"Humm," I hummed already feeling the muscles relax under his touch. "That feels amazing."

"I know something else that would feel even better," he teased in my ear. The sound of his breath felt warm and close to my skin. I felt my inside heat up as a faint blush crept onto my cheeks at his admission.

"I see, and what would that be?" I asked, my voice low. I tilted my head back to look at him, watching as his pupils dilated from the lust we were both feeling.

He bent his head down to kiss me, but before our lips met in what would have probably been the best kiss of my life, the front door of our apartment building slammed shut, making us jump apart.

We'd completely forgotten where we were.

With that, the moment was gone. We talked for a little while more before heading home for some much-needed sleep. Tomorrow was a big day.


I was slowly pacing in the locker rooms, thinking about this entire summer. Today, when I walked out of these doors to enter the field in front of the thousands of Beacon fans, I would be able to say. I've reached my dream.

It wasn't easy, far from it. The summer was punctuated by mental breakdowns, stress, muscle pain. I even almost injured myself one day for pushing my body past its limit.

Looking around the locker room now, my eyes met those of Marketa and Al who were shining with excitement. I bet mine were the same. The veterans of the team were laughing like it was any other day, but the rookies were focused. I could see it in the pacing, the thinking, and the last-minute rehearsal. None of us wanted to mess up on our first day on the job.

Al walked to me where I was sitting in front of my locker. "I'm so happy I'm here with the both of you. It honestly can't get any better than this," She said. I had always been an emotional person and her words alone were enough to make me feel the waterworks coming.

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