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"Once upon a time, a long, long, lost time ago,

There was a kingdom built by the strong hands of humans. Magic was first the Queen of the land, but the humans soon learned how to tame it. When magic and humans were originally two, they then united and became one.

When magic was tamed, humans began to wield it by using tools, weapons that could concentrate the power in one focused point, and that's how they were able to make the magic flow gather into one energy source. They learned that magic resides in each one of them, but slowly, they forgot how to use it. Most of them lost their power, because learning magic was an extremely complicated task.

People relied on the existing humans that could still use magic, and called them mages, now considered as magic, special humans, forgetting they once all had the magic inside of them but it faded away through the centuries."

George clapped his hands and giggled.

"And then", George exclaimed with a forcefully low tone of voice, "They created a special unit for Mages in the Army, and claimed them as special knights."

Thomas looked at his little brother, who was sitting on his lap, with a caring smile.

"Isn't this story boring? Like, you're six now. You know all the lines."

"It's fine", George said passionately. "I like it. But, in the story, if I could use magic, I will not give up and I will study every day so I can be a super mage! They are soooo stupid. Magic is so cool."

Thomas chuckled. "Maybe you'll be able to. I mean, I can use magic, and we're blood-related."

"Huh? And that means?"

"That means there's a chance you can use magic too when you're older."

George raised his head with a ray of hope shining in his big, brown eyes. "Really?!"


"I want to be a super mage when I grow up!"

Thomas pulled the goggles on George's forehead, and released them so they would slap him in the face. George moaned in pain, and frowned.

"Wha?! You're mean!!"

"I can't wait to see how good of a mage you'll be."

"Mpf! I'll be a great mage! Better than you!"

Thomas' laugh echoed in the room. He stroked his younger brother's brown hair with tenderness.

"You'll show me."

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