Chapter 2: Angi Kai

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Y/n stood in Zuko's corner as he stood up letting the red cloth fall from his shoulders.

Y/n's breath hitched as she had Deja Vu from three years ago.

"I refuse to let him win" Zuko said to Y/n.

She nodded as The Prince turned around and the fight started.

"Basics Zuko! Break his foot!" Iroh called out as Zhao kept firing at The Prince, pushing him back and off his feet, falling to the ground.

But quickly Zuko returned the action by getting up and firing at Zhao, backing him up until he fell.

Zuko towerd over him, never lowering his fists.

"Do it!" Zhao yelled, as they both started at each other with equal anger.

Zuko fired next at the ground, the flames inches from Zhao's head, then stood back.

"That's it?" Zhao said, "Your father raised a coward!"

"Next time you get in my way, I promise, I won't hold back" Zuko said as he started to walk away.

A small smile lingered on Y/n's lips but soon faded as she saw Zhao get up and run to Zuko.

She acted quickly and met him there, just as Zhao was about to kick him down, she held and extinguished the fire on his foot glaring at him.

Iroh held back Zuke who turned back to attack, "No Prince Zuko, do not taint your victory"

Y/n smirked at Zhao, as he struggled to maintain his balance on one foot, "Really? This is how you act in defeat?" She shoved him back, making him fall to the floor, "shameful"

"You're disgraceful, even in exile my nephew is more honorable than you" Iroh said then looked at Y/n, "thanks again for the tea, it was delicious" he did a small bow and turned to leave with Zuko.

"I was going to have you lead this station for a while, but seeing what a sore loser you are, I'll just leave it to my top solider, Liam!" she called out.

A soldier came forward, "you're in charge, you know the plan, continue carrying it out" she looked back over her shoulder at Zhao, still on the floor, "And send him back on a ship to the Fire Nation"

Before Y/n could leave, Zhao said,"And where do you think you're going, Commander?!" he sounded angry and offended at the same time.

Y/n turned to look at him as two soliders came to hold him, "I'm just going to do my job" she said, "as I was never officially dismissed as The Prince's bodyguard, I'm technically still on duty" she then said to Liam, "send word for a troop to meet in front of the Prince's ship"

"Yes Commander" Liam said running off, finally letting Y/n catch up to Zuko and Iroh.

"Did you really mean that uncle?" Y/n overheard Zuko ask his uncle, referring to the 'more honorable' comment he made.

"Of course, I told you ginseng tea is my favorite" he answered.

Y/n could help but laugh out loud, causing both to turn around,"Glad you liked it"

"Commander, what are you doing here?" Zuko asked, "shouldn't you be with your army?"

"Aw cut it with all the formal crap, ZuZu" she said, "besides you think you can capture the Avatar without me?"

"What are you saying?" He asked.

"I'm coming with you!" She said, "I am still after all, your bodyguard with the duty of protecting, serving, and assisting you at all times," she gave a wide and happy smile, before adding, "besides, I'm a Commander with an army, thought you might need one of those" she gestured towards the ship were a small army of 20 soliders stood carrying in supplies.

Iroh was already walking up to the ship, leaving Y/n and Zuko behind with a setting sun.

Zuko turned to face Y/n with a shocked expression, "t-thank you... Y/n" he pulled her in for a hug.

"Anytime" she said returning the hug, "by the way, thanks for keeping your promise back there"

Zuko let go, a tint of light pink adorned his cheeks.

"And for knocking some since into Zhao for me. He's been a pain ever since my father sent us here"

The red in his cheeks darkened, "your welcome. Now let's go, we have an Avatar to capture"

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