Chapter 8: Inside the Fire Temple (part 2)

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"what happened? You literally had him in your hands!" Y/n said angrily.

"Just shut up and help me open the door!" Zuko said sourly.

Just like when they arrived, three of the old sages came and together they shot fire at the door, but this time, it didn't open.

"Why isn't it working! It's sealed shut!" Zuko yelled out to the sages as Y/n approached the door, running a hand across the intricate patterns.

"It must have been the light!" Y/n overheard one of the sages say, "Avatar Roku doesn't want us inside"

Y/n let out a groan as Zuko walked up to her, "I feel so weird without my spear" she took her hand off the door and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Why do you use it?" He said in his usual angry tone, "You can fire bend, weapons are unnecessary"

"I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm all talk and no show" she said revealing her secret with a bit of embarrassment, "words are powerful alone, but when you pair them up with a blade, then it gets people talking sooner"

"H-have you ever--"

"No" she saved him the word, "your father orders for me to do it all the time, but I can't, I change it to invade, never attack" she let out a small laugh, "one day he's going to catch up with all the changes I do and, I don't know, kick me out of the army"

"You're not afraid of my father?" Zuko asked.

Y/n thought about it before giving the answer he wanted to hear, "yeah, I mean everyone is"

"Then why do you go against him? He won't kick you out of the army Y/n, he'll hurt you and kick you out of the fire nation! Just like he did to me!" He yelled out.

Not wanting to press on about the subject she sighed, "just watch and learn" she walked up to the sages, who held one of their own, which Y/n assumed helped the Avatar get in, "what!" She paused for a dramatic effect, "happened here?" She looked around at all five sages with a raised eyebrow, "how did the Avatar get in? Aren't you supposed to protect the temple!" She stopped right in front of the prisoner sage, "I suppose it was all you, hm?"

"Yes! It was him indeed, Commander L/n!" Another sage answered.

"Thank you" she said walking back to Zuko and whispering, "your turn"

Zuko nodded and walked forward, "now tell me, why did you help the Avatar!"

The old man replied with, "because it was once the Sage's duty, and it is still our duty"

Someone started to slow clap. It wasn't Zuko and it wasn't Y/n. It wasn't any of the Sages nor the Avatar's friends.

Zuko and Y/n looked back to see Zhao, clapping slowly and behind him, a whole army. Y/n made a move as to grab her spear, forgetting it was missing, giving Zhao a glare instead.

"What a heartfelt performance" Zhao stopped clapping and moved forward, "I'm certain the Fire Lord will understand when you explain why you betrayed him" and of course cause he was Zhao, he didn't stop speaking, "Prince Zuko and Miss L/n, it was a noble effort, but your little smoke screen didn't work. Three traitors in one day. The Fire Lord will be pleased" he signaled for three soliders to step forward to capture them.

However Y/n moved away and glared at the solider who was about to take a hold of her, causing him to stop.

"Shut up, Zhao! I'm no traitor! I'm--"

"Nobody." Zhao finished her sentence, "nothing, that's what you are without your little toy stick, aren't you?"

The guard took her and she struggled against his grip.

The Fire Within: Zuko x reader (Avatar the last Airbender) *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now