Ch 24. Rough Dealings

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The CEO of LI has been stressing out for days about how the Japanese suddenly opted out on investing in the company. Just last week, they were willing to help out on making parts for the future motorcycles they're building exclusively. They closed the deal on a virtual conference and the CEO just doesn't understand why they're stepped out of this good deal that could make profits for both sides.

On the bright side, (Y/N) still goes to the DEO and works on the project with Lena. (Y/N) doesn't talk about her work stress but Lena can tell that the woman is tired. The sleepless nights can be seen in her eyes and the CEO would just ignore her fatigue state. Lena told the woman a couple of times that she doesn't need to come to the DEO everyday and she could just rest. (Y/N) refused and wanted to show that she's determined to finish this gadget.

(Y/N) decides not to show up to the DEO for one night and notify Lena that she needs to take care of some paperworks for Lunar Industries.

Badass CEO: Hey Lena, I'm not coming in today. I really need to take care of some paperworks and review some contracts. I promise to come in tomorrow.

Lena checks her phone and gives her a quick reply. She's kind of relieved that the older CEO is taking a break from the DEO but she's still concerned that (Y/N) is not getting any rest.

Beautiful Boss Lady: Okay that's fine. Don't stay @ your office too late, darling. You really need to rest.

Badass CEO: No problem, beautiful. *wink face emoji*

Lena still can't get over the face that (Y/N) would call her different pet names. She would often call her babe, beautiful, or cutie. She wants to confront her with these names but she remembers that she often call the older CEO darling or Ms. Charming. Last time she accidentally called the woman hun and hoped that she didn't catch it.



It's nearly 2AM and I'm so close to finalizing the contracts for the Germans to read and sign since the Japanese investors backed out on making the motorcycle parts. Occasionally, I would take breaks from reading these detailed documents and think about how bad I feel that I didn;t go to the DEO to help out Lena with our project.

I was feeling exhausted and I regret pushing myself to finish all of this tonight. Owning a multibillion tech company comes with some sacrifices and that could mean not having enough sleep just to keep the company's grind going.

I decided to pack everything and leave for the night, hoping I could get a few hours of sleep in before I come back to the office. I already sent my assistants home who kept insisting to stay and help destress myself. It was a tempting offer but I wasn't in the mood to put my cock in a whore's mouth right now. I also sent Anthony and Robert home shortly after sending the women home. They insisted on staying until I finished but I didn't want them to be restless like me.

Before I left my office, I shot Lena a quick text.

Badass CEO: Hey, mad scientist. I hope you're no longer @ the DEO. Still feeling bad for not being there. Good News- I finished what I need to do so I'll be coming in tomorrow for sure.

Beautiful Boss Lady: I got home like an hour ago. Are you just leaving your office? I told you not to stay so late! Text me when you get back to your penthouse yeah?

Badass CEO: Sure thing, beautiful. I'm leaving right now.

Beautiful Boss Lady: I'll be waiting for that text, Ms. Charming :)

After sending my last text, I got inside the elevator and pressed the button that would lead me straight to the underground parking. I took out my keys to my BMW and walked towards the isolated car.

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