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Giovanni Furfaro was indeed hard to find. All I had was his name and a blurred photo of his face. But I am Savannah motherfucking Trufanov, and I will find this man. I said it would take me within the hour, but this guy was good, better than I expected considering the stupidity of Fabri and his men. It was 4am, and I had been doing this for six hours, non-stop. The door knocked and in came my fourth order of room service, luckily for me, with a whole load of coffee. I drank the black coffee like water, and continued. Half an hour later I found him. I fucking found that bitch. He was in a small village that was two and a half hours outside of Rome. Time for a roadtrip. I left most of my stuff in my hotel, but brought my handgun, three knives, a set of throwing stars and my nun-chucks. I reached the warehouse he was hiding in, next to a picturesque Italian village. After surveying the area, I noticed there were six men plus the target, and if I wanted to get the target, cut the targets head of an potentially steal some of the cocaine, I would have to kill all of them. Oh well, water off a duck's back. The two outside were the easiest, I shot them both in the middle of the eyes, it alerted no one though because I had a silencer on my gun. I opened the pedestrian door to the giant warehouse, and killed three of the men with throwing stars. One left, then the target. Suddenly, I felt a heavy blow to the side of my head, it felt like a bat. I turned around to see a large burly man, who thought that hitting me, the Thorned Rose assassin on the head was a great idea.

"Bad move buddy," I said calmly, as I launched at him. I did a spinning kick, hitting him straight in the face, with probably three times the force that bat did to me, and a hundred times the pain as pain is nothing to me. He grabbed his face in pain, screaming many Italian profanities, and I understood every single one of them. Even though I had a gun, three knives and a selection of throwing stars, and this guy would be dead already, I decided to use my nun-chucks. I love hand to hand, or hand to non-chuck combat. I span my nun-chucks around my head and twizzled them in all sorts of fancy ways, before smacking his straight in the face. I was bored. I dropped the nun-chucks and fought him with my hands. I dodge every single one of his punches and landed many of my own. I was bored. I handed him my knife to fight against me, he was confused, but didn't care. I dodge every single jab, dismantled the knife from him, and stabbed him directly in the heart. I turned around and saw Giovanni Furfaro staring at me.

"You are a true masterpiece, who are you?" he asked, not giving a shit that I had killed every single one of his men. I didn't reply.

"You are the Thorned Rose aren't you?" I still didn't reply, I pulled out one of my throwing stars and it landed in his eye. I threw another, which landed in his heart. I walked over to the dead man, grabbed a serrated knife from its holder in my belt, and cut off the man's head. I ran up to the CCTV room, downloaded the footage onto a memory stick, but I didn't need to erase it; my head and face was completely covered, except for my eyes, you couldn't even tell the colour of my hair. I grabbed Giovanni's head by his hair, after pinning a white rose to his shirt on his headless body, for whoever found it to know it was me, and grabbed a bag, putting the head in it. I grabbed and put in bags as much cocaine as I could and left, knowing the place would be swarmed by more of Giovanni's men. I decided to leave a little note for them. It read:

'I got bored, you were a convenient, easy target, no hard feelings. TR.'

For some reason, I didn't want any repercussions on Fabricio and his family, I wanted to keep messing with him! I packed the bags of cocaine and my target's head into my car, and drove to Fabricio's house. It was so easy to get through his pedestrian gate again, but this time I went through the one that went straight into the forest. I arranged the bags of cocaine around the silver platter with a silver cover over that I had transferred Giovanni's head to. I laid his head on a bed of white roses, and attached to one of the roses was the memory stick of the CCTV footage of me fighting the burly man, then killing and chopping my target's head off.

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