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In the meeting with my men and women, we strategized a plan for what to do next, and we carried it out to its fullness. A group found her car that was in a car park besides the main shopping street, with a parking ticket inserted into the windshield wiper, and reported back to me. We had to hack into the security cameras from the surrounding area, which I knew she would be able to do in a minute, but she wasn't here, so I had to get three of my men to do it, and it took them an hour. I called for another meeting, and we all sat there, scouring the footage on our computers, following various cars and vans we believed could've been the ones that had taken Sav. We double-checked their number plates, and found that two of them were stolen, and traced one back to a man in his forties, living in an apartment with his wife and child, and the other there was no trace. That was the one. It was a simple white van, and although I couldn't see the face of the driver on the CCTV, I knew that I would one day hold his heart in my hand.

We quickly located the van on the CCTV, and saw that it was lurking by a children's park. My men and I got there and intercepted the van just as the man was about to take a child. I grabbed the man's shirt and slammed him against the side of his van. With my bronze knuckle dusters on, I punched him straight in the face. He was a tiny, frail little man, with weirdly long arms, and he was pretty ugly and very gross. I told him his face disgusted me, and I wanted to cover it with his own blood, shining the light of my knife blade onto his face. He gulped quickly and told me exactly where he brought the girl, but he begged for my forgiveness, saying he didn't realise who it was that he took. As soon as my men confirmed that what he said was true, I took the knife and plunged it into his heart. I know I said I wanted to hold his heart in my hand, but I didn't have time to surgically remove it right now. We shoved him in the back of his van and locked it, and one of my men drove it away to set it alight elsewhere.

I rallied up my men, and soon there were eight large vans full of my people speeding towards the warehouse. We rained hell on that warehouse, killing every guard of theirs in sight. I saw Domenico run out of the building, jump in a car and drive off, and I ordered a car of men to follow him, and if they couldn't bring him back alive, kill him. They sped off and I made my way inside. I saw the rushed job of the brick and mortar walls, and heard the distant cries of women and children, trapped behind the walls. I stepped over the dead bodies of a few guards, and I knew none of my men had gone through here yet, so I knew it was her, but if she got free, where was she?

My head snapped to the upstairs corridor when I heard her cry out in pain. I ran as fast as my legs would take me up the stairs, followed by Dimitri and my men, and saw a huge beefy man leaving a room, cleaning a blood-dripping knife with his shirt, smiling and humming to himself. I shot him in the head, and I went into the room where she was. I ran over to her and tried to feel a pulse, anything, but there was nothing.

"No pulse," said Dimitri, confirming what I already knew.

I turned to a man behind me and said, "I need you to get an ambulance or doctor or something here NOW!" I turned to another, "see if you can find a fucking defibrillator in this place, most warehouses have one, and torture anyone you need to get information, spread the word and tell the men. I want a fucking defibrillator." They both nodded and ran out of the room, shouting orders down the corridor.

"I'm going to start chest compressions," I announced to Dimitri, "put pressure on the wounds, get men in to help you, there is 1, 2... 3, 4 stab wounds there, I want two hands on each." I started chest compressions as Dimitri ran out the room, and came back with three other men, who each put both of their hands on one of the wounds. After thirty chest compressions I gave two rescue breaths, and then I began the cycle again. After doing the cycle for about six times, my arms were beginning to ache, but I had to push on. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around to see Rico.

"Let me take over," he said, assuring me everything would be okay. He knelt on the other side of Sav's body and just as I finished the thirty compressions and did two rescue breaths, he started the next thirty. I took the opportunity to go and see what was happening with the defibrillator. I went out to the top of the stairs, and I saw one of my men running with an orange box – a defibrillator. I met him at the bottom of the stairs, and I raced back into the room, where Sav lay lifeless.

I opened the box of the defibrillator, and as soon as I did so, the recorded voice spoke.

Call for help now.

Remove all clothing from patient's chest.

There was always a pair of scissors in the box to remove the clothing, so I grabbed them and started cutting through her jumper and t-shirt. She had no bra underneath. I felt slightly weird, even though it wasn't perverted at all; I was in a room with eight of my men, and Sav was lying dead and shirtless on the floor, but I felt more heart-broken than weird, I was so scared she was going to stay dead. I had to push this down though because I needed to save her life.

Pull red handle to open bag.

I pulled the red handle as the recording indicated, which ripped open a bag.

Look at pictures on pads. I looked at the two pads I held in my hands. Both with pictures of where they should go.

Peel one pad off blue plastic. I followed the order.

Apply pad to bare skin, exactly as shown in the picture. The picture showed that it went on the right side, under the collarbone, so I stuck it there. The whole time Rico was still doing chest compressions. Press pad firmly. I pressed.

Peel other pad off blue plastic. Apply pad to bare skin, exactly as shown in the picture. The picture showed that this pad was to go on the left side, below the armpit, so I put it there.

Evaluating heart rhythm. I told Rico to stop the compressions. Stand back. About to administer shock. Everyone clear.

Everyone stood back, away from her, even the four men who were stopping the bleeding.

Do not touch patient. Administering shock. There was a weird noise, and I saw Sav's body jolt as it filled with electricity.

Shock delivered. Provide chest compressions and rescue breaths. Dimitri took over from Rico, but I still did the rescue breaths, and Rico swapped places with Dimitri. The four men, now including Rico instead, continued applying pressure to the stab wounds.

They did chest compressions for another two minutes, then the defibrillator re-analysed the heart rhythm. It administered another shock, and everyone stood back again.

Shock delivered. Evaluating heart rhythm...


A/N: another cliffhanger lols, enjoy xoxoxo 

next update at some point one day, I am pretty quick with my updates though so don't fret 

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