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I looked over at my buzzing phone to see that Nadia was calling me. I hadn't spoken to her really since I left, and I think she was upset by me quitting. I didn't really care if she was angry, but I had been wondering about what she had been doing.

"Hello Savannah, are you alone?" she asked.

"I am," I replied, "how can I help?"

"I know you no longer work for me, but there is a job available, I need you for it. I can always wait, but if you are bored over there, this one is available... you are the only one who can do it."

"Where is it?"

"Bosnia, it is an ex-assassin from a partner company over there, who has been threatening them. They cannot send anyone right now as every single one is in hiding, away from this man. He is good Savannah, really good, and they are worried. They asked us if we would, as a favour."

"Is he better than me?"

"Impossible, but he is close, and you need to be at the top of your game."


"Kasim Hasic. Don't underestimate him, an entire company of assassins, really good assassins, are hiding scared of him, he is a pro. I have every trust in you, but do not underestimate him."

"I'll get it done."

"Maybe after you can visit London. I would like to go for afternoon tea with you."

"I'll fly straight to London from Bosnia." We said out goodbyes and I hung up the phone. Time to fucking train.

"DIMITRI! SANDRINO!! ANY RUSSO IN THIS HOUSE!! HELP!!" I yelled through the house. I was in the kitchen, alone, and there was no chef, and no frozen meals. I needed protein to build muscle, to train, but I still couldn't cook. About two minutes after I had called, Dimitri, Fabricio, Dino, Rico and the twins ran into the room.

"What's going on?" asked Dino.

"Where is the chef?" I asked.

"You called us down here to ask where the chef is? They're on their day off! It's Wednesday!" angrily spoke Fabricio.

"I have a short job, in Bosnia, an assassin threatening assassins, all very complex, I need to train, I need to build muscle, I need protein."

"Wait, a job in Bosnia?" asked Mateo.

"Yes, I am a head of cybersecurity here, and a contract killer on the side still. I am doing it as a favour to a friend. The assassin is really good, and I am the only one who could kill him."

"Fine," said Fabricio, bluntly, he looked a little annoyed, but what did he expect? Me to just sit in this house typing on a computer all day? Not going to happen. "There's meat in the fridge, cook something."

"There is one issue... I can't cook." Everyone in the room burst out laughing.

"Here I was thinking you could do everything!" laughed Dimitri. Romeo and Mateo laughed the loudest, stupid idiots.

"There has to be a balance in the universe. I'm good at so much stuff, there has to be a downfall. I guess there's no balance if you are crap at everything, like you lot, to make you good at something though, huh?" Mateo and Romeo kept laughing at me and I was getting irritated.

"Surely you can cook something, anyone can cook," stated Fabricio.

"San, did you just quote Ratatouille?" asked Rico.

"Fuck off."

"What's Ratatouille?" I asked.

"Just a Disney film," replied Dino.

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