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"I love you, Fabricio Sandrino Pugliesi Russo, I know that now," I said, and I saw as his eyes widened, and filled with disbelief. "I know what love is now, my mother taught me... I love you."

He stood up so fast the chair flung back and hit against the wall. He strode over to me, grabbing my arm that was folded over my chest, and smashed his lips against mine.

"I love you too," he said, not breaking his lips from mine, "I have waited so long for you."

I pulled away from him, and we just looked into eachother's eyes for a moment or two. "Fuck me."

He chuckled, and it was music to my ears. After multiple rounds of pretty rough, but passionate as fuck, sex, over the desk, against the wall, on the chair, all over the office, we got in the car and started to drive home.

"Happy birthday by the way," he smiled, glancing over at me, before looking back at the road.

"Fuck, I'm twenty-five now. I'm old."

"I'm twenty-six, what does that make me?" he smiled.

"A bloody grandpa." This made him laugh.

Inside the house was all of the family, plus Nadia and Dimitri, who I guess are basically family, sat in the longue, looking really damn sad.

"Why does everyone look so pissed off?" I asked, and every head snapped up to look at me, then over to Fabricio, then down to where we were holding hands. "I was in the country before midnight, and I was in the warehouse before midnight too, just spent some time with the Don," I shrugged my shoulders, and felt Fabricio lightly squeeze my hand.

"You came back!" exclaimed many people in the room, and they all ran over to me and hugged me.

"I was always going to come back, what's the big deal?" I chuckled.

"You're pretty unpredictable," grinned Dimitri.

"I knew she was coming," smiled Nadia, as Dimitri put his arm around her shoulders.

"Happy birthday, my dear," Donna said, hugging me, "now get some sleep! You have a huge day today!" She ushered me upstairs, and I couldn't stop grinning.

"I'll make sure, she, um, gets to bed okay," said Fabricio, met with many laughs and "of course you will"s by the family.

I felt his hand in the small of my back as we made our way up the stairs.

"So, where are you sleeping tonight Fabricio?" I asked, smirking slightly.

"Wherever you are," he smirked back at me.

"What if I was to sleep in a tent, on the ground?"

"Can't be more uncomfortable than that damned fold-up bed in the hospital room." We both chuckled. He grabbed my hand and lead me up to his room, where we both undressed and got into pyjamas, of sorts. I wore one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers, and he just wore boxers. He walked over to me, and put his hands under my top, so his hands were resting skin-on-skin on my waist. "So, Savannah, you told me you loved me," he raised an eyebrow, playing with me.

"Only after you told me like a million times," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You really mean it?" he turned serious.

"I really mean it. You really mean it?"

He didn't answer, he just pulled me closer and kissed me passionately. Then he told me he really meant it.

"Oi, I don't want to be tired tomorrow for whatever your mother has planned!" I complained, as he brushed kisses all over my face, jaw and neck.

"When are we getting that secluded cabin," he said in between kisses, but not stopping.

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