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Today was the day we were getting the puppy, and Fabricio was so nervous. It was so funny to watch as he paced backwards and forwards, because he knew the seriousness of this, not only did he have to actually look after the dog, but if he couldn't look after the dog, I wasn't about to give him a damn baby!

"Oh God, I'm so scared," he was fiddling with his fingers as he paced, sometimes running his hand through his hair.

"Fabricio, it's a dog! What are you scared about?!" I stood up from the bed and grabbed his hands so he would stop fiddling and stop pacing, because it was really irritating me.

"If I can't look after this dog you aren't going to want to have a baby with me... also what if it hates me?!" he looked into my eyes, looking slightly fearful.

"Stop worrying!!"


The doorbell rang for the cabin, which is where we had been staying just the two of us since the ball, just wanting to get some private time to ourselves, although we still went over sometimes to the main house for dinners and things. I told Fabri to stay in the bedroom and I would go and meet the guy. Once everything was sorted, signed and paid for, I held the little guy in my arms. It was a very handsome, male, German Shepherd, because I know Fabricio wanted one that could be a sort of guard dog.

"Okay, you can meet him now," I called out to the bedroom, but the door didn't open. This fucking guy man, I swear, he was acting like a child! Still with the little puppy in my arms, who was nuzzled against me, I opened the door to the bedroom.

Sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands was Fabricio. Fucking hell, at least he cared about the dog and my feelings, but he needed to actually hold the dog. I snuck over him and held the puppy out, who proceeded to lick Fabricio's face. He shot his head up, looked straight into the puppy's eyes, and they instantly filled with warmth. He took the puppy out of my hands and hugged it to his chest, as it nuzzled against him.

"Oh my God, I love him. I'm going to name him...... Dexter!" he exclaimed, making me laugh and smile because of how happy he was. Dexter, that was a good name for the dog, but I was going to have input on the name of our baby, if we had one... God, I didn't know what to do about a baby.

Seeing Fabricio cradling the puppy, and absolutely adoring it, taking the best care of it, showed me that he would be an amazing father, but what about me, could I be an amazing mother? Did I even want a baby? I didn't know what to do, or what to think. An assassin having a baby doesn't work, but I haven't worked as an assassin since I came out of my coma, even though I shot that man in self-defence, and fought that gang member, neither of that was 'assassin work'. But, how would I be able to fight someone in self-defence if I was pregnant? Would I just be completely useless against someone trying to kill me or my baby? I know I would have Fabricio, but he couldn't be next to be every minute of every day, no one could. Domenico was dead, that was true, we were on top, the most feared couple in Italy, and I was the most feared in the world, but surely that meant we would have a whole array of enemies that wanted nothing more than to see us fall?

If none of these problems around my status and who I was existed, then how would I feel about a baby? I guess that is important too. Well, I love Fabricio, and I know I would love the baby, but I am still just coming to terms with everything, and I have come so close to being completely overwhelmed a couple of times I just don't want to put myself in a position like that if there is a baby involved. I think I still needed time... anyway, Fabricio and I aren't married anyway.

Four months later

"Yes, of course I'll marry you!" I said, as he held a velvet box with the most beautiful engagement ring, on one knee, after pouring his heart out to me.

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