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Diego led me to his white Porsche Panamera, and drove me over to his house, where his chef had prepared a full spread of various breakfast foods.

"Wow," was all I could say.

"I know, my chef is good," he said.

"I need my own damn chef, I can't cook!"

"You can't cook?!" he looked at me in shock, "I'll teach you."

"Oh please, as if, I have tried so many times to learn, I have a curse I feel."

"You haven't been taught by me..."

"It won't work," I smiled, "anyway, food time, I am starving!"

We ate and chatted about all sorts, he told me the real story behind his life, about being the head of the drugs business and all that, and I didn't tell him a damn thing about my life because I trust no one.



"I don't want to lead you on," I just had to get this out, "I don't like you in, you know, this kind of way." He looked slightly disappointed.

"Is there someone else?" he asked.

"No," I stated, "I just don't do boyfriends, romance, or anything like that."

"Ah, I understand, don't worry about it, we will keep it purely professional." He stated and I happily agreed. I was glad he was so civil about it, and I really respected him for that.

We moved on to talk about professional things, and now the whole romance-never- happening thing was out of the way, I could actually relax and enjoy the amazing breakfast and good company. He drove me to the main warehouse, full of palettes of cocaine, and showed me all of the paper documents that displayed loads of information about the different shipments, as well as where the drugs were grown, the price of them and much more, all in a special code, all written by hand.

"Well, I guess no cybersecurity is needed with the documents," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not with the documents, no, but definitely with the cameras, lights, computers, my phone and the controls that open doors and gates and such."

"I will get started," I said, and I took my laptop out of by rucksack and began to type. I used the program that I had made for the security in the Russo's house, and basically copied it over, changing it to fit the exact dimensions of the warehouse though, and then I moved over to his phone. I added a software that immediately recognised and destroyed any viruses on his phone, sending him an email alert that someone had tried to attack it. I also made sure none of his calls could be traced, and every call was completely secure, so no one could cap in and listen. I made it so watertight that I couldn't even, without at least two days of solid coding to unpick the huge knot of code I had created.

Once I had finished, I went upstairs and crashed in my bed, falling asleep on top of my covers and still in all my clothes, although they were very comfortable. I was rudely awoken by a loud knock on my door, and because I was half asleep and so didn't react, there was a second loud knock.

"What?" I grunted. Fabricio opened the door and came in, and seeing that I was half asleep said "sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"So, now you have decided to stop ignoring me?" I asked. I could still be sassy when I was half asleep.

"I wasn't ignoring you I-"

"If all you came in to do was give me a lame excuse, I accept, now let me sleep." He was silent, but I didn't hear the door open or close, instead, I felt the bed dip slightly, where I assumed he'd got in.

"I'm sorry," he spoke quietly, I bet he doesn't say sorry often, well, I don't say sorry ever, we are pretty similar in that sense.

"What?" I was confused.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you, I know missing the lunch wasn't your fault, I guess... this is going to sound so stupid, so just forget it as soon as you hear it, I missed you, and had worked myself up to see you that day and... it was a big let-down when you didn't get off the plane."

"What are you trying to say?" Please don't say you like me. PLEASE don't say you like me.

"I don't know, I was just a little upset, and it turned into anger, which it always does, and I took it out on you," he replied. THANK GOD he didn't say he likes me, "and... I like you." FUCK FUCK FUCKFUCKFUKFCIKITY FUCK FUCK. Did he ACTUALLY have to ruin it there?!

"I- I- I don't know what to say," I rarely ever stutter, so this made it clear I was very fucking nervous now.

"Don't say anything, just forget what I said. I spoke to Diego earlier, he told me about how you don't do relationships, which made me pleased you rejected him, but... sad for me I guess."

Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. FEELINGS. I hate them, with every fibre of my being I hate feelings. I pushed everything down further, but I could sense the reservoir of feelings I had pushed down over my entire lifetime slowly trying to push their way out. I had to leave. I jumped up, grabbed my coat off the row of hooks I had installed by the door, and ran out of the room. I heard footsteps behind me, but I kept going all the way to my car, and I sped off through the gates.


wooooo two chapters in one day!!

please keep voting and reading and commenting and sharing with your friends or followers or whatuvuurrrrr u dooooo

ily all and I appreciate is soooo much

stay safe <3

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