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New levels of boredom that I had never felt before ran through me. The Russo's excited me, they made me feel an emotion, although it was anger, it wasn't so bad. I quite liked it to be honest! I swear, I have a deathwish or something. I opened my computer and hacked back in to the Russo's system.

'What do you want with me?' was the first note that appeared on the big TV screen. Only Romeo was in there, but he called in everyone else and they quickly ran to the room, all sitting around and reading the note.

"How the fuck are we supposed to contact her?" asked Mateo, loudly, standing up and waving his arms around.

'I'm listening, Mateo.'

"Fuck," he sat down.

'Why are you looking for me? Stop looking for me.'

"We wanted to offer you a job," stated Fabri.

'I have a job.'

"I haven't seen you working recently. People think you are dead."

'Maybe I am dead, maybe this isn't me.'

"I know you're alive."

'The only reason I can't do my damn job anymore is because you lot are searching for me. Stop looking, then I can do my job.'

"Fine. We will stop looking, continue with your job, but our offer stands, and if you ever want to come back and work for us, we will welcome you."

"Hey! I don't want that bitch here" protested Rico.

"Fuck off Rico," spat Fabricio.

'Hope you got your car back. Goodbye all.'

I turned my computer off and went to sleep. In the morning I told Nadia, and she gave me my first job. Fuck yes. I was so excited. I had to fly all the way to Nice, France, to assassinate someone who conned a lot of money out of someone they really shouldn't have. One benefit of doing some work in administration is now I can see who ordered the attack, and why. I was so excited for this one kill, but all I got was some old fat guy, who didn't even put up a fight.

The next job was even worse, it was a literal old woman, and the next was a man with eighty dogs that stank so bad they hurt my nose when I had to go into his house to kill him. Every single job that I undertook disappointed me, I thought more and more about the Russo's job offer.

"Nadia, I am bored, these people I am killing, they bore me," I started, walking into her office. She looked up. "I have been offered a job in the Italian Mafia, and I think I am going to take it, they are just SO much more interesting, they actually put up a fight, and I'm bored." Nadia clenched her jaw, then released.

"That is what you want to do?" she asked. No, I just fucking walked into your room and told you as a joke, idiot.


"Very well, pack your things and leave, now."

"Damn Nadia, are you kicking me out?"

"Yes." Fucking bitch. I am her best employee, and her closest friend... oh, that must be why she is annoyed I quit. Well, it's not my fault its got so boring now and I just need a bigger challenge.

I packed my bags, went back to my apartment and packed some more stuff, including my favourite yellow mug that is the perfect size for a hot drink, and headed back to Rome, this time to stay, this time to live with the Russos, but I swear to God, if I get bored again I will probably just jump off a bridge because I actually hate being fucking bored. There aren't enough interesting people to kill these days.

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