6 ~ You Can't Tell Him

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Ashton took a seat on the sofa, looking around him. He looked up at Michael."Is this where we stay?"

Michael took a seat next to him, watching as Luke walked away, going through to his bunk."Well, when we're touring, we sometimes stay in here. But we tend to stay in hotels. I reckon we'll be staying here tonight, but we'll probably have a hotel from tomorrow."

"Oh, okay."

Calum walked up to them."Our stuff's in the back. Everything's been taken from the hotel, so if you need anything, it'll be in your suitcase."

"Okay, thanks," Michael said."Cal, can I ask a favour?"

Callum looked towards him."Yeah? What's up?"

"Could you keep an eye on Luke? It's obvious he's not going to cope very well, and I think he'll need some support."

"Yeah, no problem."

Ashton looked at Michael."Why's he not going to cope?"

"Uh, you two were close, very close. And you don't remember anything, so..."

Ashton nodded, looking down. He still felt incredibly guilty. It was his own fault that he couldn't remember. He'd tried to kill himself, and even though he couldn't remember doing it, it was still his fault, and he knew it. Michael stood up, and headed through to the bunks to speak to Luke. He pulled back there curtain, catching the attention of the blond. He paused his music and asked,"What?"

"I want to talk to you about Ash." Luke sighed. He moved over, allowing Michael to climb in next to him. Michael sat next to him."I don't think you're going to like what I'm going to have to tell you."

"What is it?"

"It's about him being your boyfriend. And him not remembering. I need you to know that you can't tell him. Anything. At all. About you two being together, about anything that happened with Aleiney. Nothing."

Luke furrowed his eyebrows, frowning."Why not?"

"Because he'll freak out. He hasn't even got a clue that he's gay, and he can't remember that he's going out with you. We have no idea how that's going to affect him."

"But it could help him remember," Luke argued.

"And if it doesn't? Like I said Luke, he'll freak. We all know Ashton, he's not going to react well to that news. I'm sorry, I really fucking am. But you're just going to have to wait until he remembers on his own."

"This isn't fucking fair. We know that he might not remember."

"Then you're just going to have to hold on to the hope that he will. Luke, I'm sorry but it's for yours and Ashton's own good."

Luke groaned."Okay, fine. If it makes you happy, and it'll help him, then fine. I'll do it. I won't tell him anything, I promise."

Michael nodded lightly, climbing out of the bunk."Thanks, Luke. You know I don't like doing this, but we've got no choice."

"Yeah, yeah," Luke sighed.

Michael walked away, back through to the front of the bus. Ashton looked up as he noticed Michael entered."Is he alright."

Michael sat back down next to him."Not exactly, but he'll be okay. He's got us here, he knows that."

"Can I... Can I go talk to him?" Ashton asked innocently.

Michael shrugged."Go ahead. I'm not going to stop you."

Ashton smiled. He stood up and headed towards the bunks. There was only one bunk with its curtain closed, and as the other bunks were visibly empty, he assumed Luke was in that one. He shook the curtain, not wanting to disturb Luke's privacy. The curtain was pulled back, and Luke looked out.

"Michael, I - Oh, hey Ash."

Ashton grinned."Hi. How are you?"

Luke looked at him, confused."I'm... Good?" It came out more like a question.

Ashton's smile widened."Good. You'd tell me if you weren't, right?"

"Well... Yeah. Why?"

"Oh, just because Michael said that you might not be coping because we were very close, and I couldn't remember." He saw Luke frown."And I just wanted to make sure you'd tell me, or any of us, if you were upset. I might not remember anything, but I'm still you're best friend."

Luke looked down."Ashton, go away."

Ashton winced."What? Why?"

"Just go."

Ashton frowned."O-Oh, okay. Sorry, Luke."


OMFG I had the scariest dream ever last night

So I was at a 5sos concert and Ashton stood up at the front of the stage and he went to speak but he suddenly turned around too Luke and started crying and everyone was like "Ash what's wrong" and then he started coughing and saying he couldn't breathe and he suddenly collapsed after a few seconds and we all just watched him die D'''X

I woke up crying :(



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