18 - It Was Just Once

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"Get out. You've done enough damage."

If looks could kill, then Calum and Luke would be dead, because boy did Michael look pissed. His cheeks were almost red with rage, and his hands were balled into fists, even though he had absolutely no thoughts of hurting the two of them.

"Get. Out."

Calum nodded sadly and guiltily, though he knew that Michael wasn't intending to be cruel, it was just a spur of the moment and he was being protective of Ash. Calum took Luke's arm, and though Luke tried to protest and say that he wanted to stay, Calum was having none of it and the blond could see that. So he reluctantly followed Calum out of the room.

The silence made Ashton's cries stand out, and Michael's heart broke. He leaned up against the door, and knocked lightly, keeping himself calm for Ashton, making sure not to upset him even more."Hey Ash," Michael whispered softly."It's Mikey, you called."

There was a few seconds of silence before a strangled,"N-No, M-Mikey, you can't c-come in," came from the bathroom

Michael frowned, because Ashton had called him through, but now he wasn't letting him in."Ash?" He asked, trying not to let the worry in his voice show."Ash, why won't you let me in? What's happened? Come on, Ash, let me in."

"M-Mikey, p-please don't make m-me, please."

"I'm not making you, don't worry," Michael assured."But if you let me in, then I can help, yeah? Because that's why you wanted me here, isn't it? Because you wanted me to help you. But I can't help you when there's a door in the way, Ash, so I need you to unlock it."

Michael heard a whimper at the other side of the door, and after a few seconds of silence, he heard the door click and he knew that it was now unlocked. So he slowly pushed down then handle and opened the door. Ashton was sat on the floor, crying and crying and - fuck, why is there blood?

Ashton looked up with fear stricken eyes."M-Mikey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me. I'm s-so sorry."

"N-no, Ash, it's... It's okay," Michael whimpered. Because, now, he could see the one long line along Ashton's arm and he could see that that was where the blood was coming from and he could see the blade in Ashton's shaking hand and there was blood on that and he knew instantly what had happened."It's okay, I'll look after you now."

He slowly knelt down in front of Ashton, and took the blade away from him, wasting no time in flushing it down the toilet. He then took Ashton's hand lightly and took him up to the sink, where he turned on the taps.

"Mikey, it was just once, I swear. I just wanted to see if it would help, and... I don't know."

"What do you need help with?" Michael asked quietly, guiding Ashton's arm under the running water.

"I don't know... Luke."

Michael's face fell."What's he done to you?" He grabbed a bandage from the cupboard, proceeding to unwrap it around Ashton's arm.

"Nothing, just... I don't know, it hurts. He's not letting me anywhere near him, and I don't know why, but it really hurts. And he knows that, but he still does it 'cause he thinks I need it even though I told him that what I need is for him to talk to me, but he just ignored me."

Michael gritted his teeth, trying to make sure Ashton didn't notice, and thankfully, he didn't. Ashton looked up at Michael, a scared look still visible in his eyes."Can... Can you forgive me, Mikey?"

Michael shook his head in disbelief."Ash, I promise, I'm not angry at you. This isn't your fault."

Ashton was quiet for a few seconds."Mikey?"

"Yeah?" Michael asked, brushing Ashton's fringe out of his eyes."What's wrong?"

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Michael smiled."Yeah, come on."

He wrapped his arm around Ashton's shoulder, and Ashton snuggled into his side. They left Luke's room, and made their way through to Michael's. Michael sat Ashton down on the bed.

"You get comfy, okay? I'll be back soon, I'm just going to go talk to Luke."


Have another update at quarter last five in the morning cus I'm a rebel and I never sleep

Lol no

But still. Hi!


Love y'all! xxx

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