15 ~ You Idiot

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Michael froze suddenly, hearing violent crying and hurried footsteps coming down the stairs. He shot up when he heard a small voice yell,"M-Mikey!"

Michael immediately turned towards the door to see a crying and hysterical Ashton rushing down the stairs. Michael's eyes widened."Ash?"

He opened his arms and Ashton practically threw himself into them, and wrapped his arms around Michael's chest. Michael's heartbeat quickened, because he'd never seen Ashton cry as much as this, and it scared him. It really scared him.

He guided Ashton down to the couch, and sat down with him. He securely wrapped his arms around Ashton's shaking body in an attempt to calm him down, but it wasn't working, and he knew it.

"Ash, please calm down," He begged."Come on Ash, please. You're scaring me. What's happened?"

He rubbed Ashton's back soothingly, and, slowly, he could feel the shaking subside. He could tell Ashton was still crying, so he put his fingers under Ashton's chin, lifting it so that Ashton was staring directly into his eyes. He used his thumb to wipe away Ashton's tears. Ashton blinked, and removed Michael's hand."S-Stop. P-Please."

Michael furrowed his eyebrows, but did so anyways. His confusion disappeared when Ashton buried his head into the crook of his neck, so Michael just kept his arms wrapped around the boy, rubbing his back, until Ashton fell asleep.


Calum came down half an hour later, frowning at the still sleeping Ashton. Michael looked up at him, his first question being,"What the fuck happened?"

Calum gulped, because Michael's tone was harsh, and protective."Ash came to me with a box, asking what was inside."

Michael nodded."I know. He came to me too. I sent him to you, because I didn't know."

Calum grimaced."Well, the box contained -"

Calum was interrupted by a sudden whimper. The two boys' eyes widened, and looked down at Ashton worriedly. He began to squirm in his sleep, whimpering more and more. Michael jumped slightly when Ashton suddenly grabbed a hold of his t-shirt, but quickly composed himself.

"N-No, Lukey, stop. P-Please stop. Don't d-do it, p-please."

Calum was next to Ashton in a second, shaking him in an attempt to wake him up."Ash, wake up. Come on Ash, please wake up. Michael, help me you idiot."

But Michael couldn't. He had no idea what was going on, and Ashton's sudden crying was scaring him again. So instead, he tried to calm Ashton down by combing his fingers through his hair. Ashton's eyes fluttered open immediately, full of fear, his bottom lip wobbling.

Calum pulled him into a hug."Ash, it's okay, it's okay. It's gone, don't worry. I've sorted it."

But Ashton didn't want the hug. He pulled away, and said to Calum,"Where is he?"

Calum's eyes widened."Ash, I don't think that's a good idea -"

"Where the fuck is he?!"

Calum flinched."He's in his room, but -"

Ashton was out of Michael's grip and running up the stairs before Calum could finish. Calum sent Michael a worried glance, before the two followed Ashton closely.

Ashton couldn't keep the anger inside contained. He almost threw Luke's door open, surprising the blond that was currently sat on his bed. Luke's stood up almost immediately, frowning at the tears falling down Ashton's cheeks.

"Ash -"

Ashton ran straight up to Luke, hitting him in the chest. Luke gulped, the hitting didn't hurt obviously, because he knew Ashton was scared. He wrapped his arms around Ashton, just making Ashton cry more.

"No! I hate you! You idiot, why?!" Ashton cried."Why would you be so stupid?!"

Luke just held Ashton closer."A-Ash, please stop. I'm sorry, I really am. Please stop crying Ash, please."

"Ash, stop!" Calum yelled, rushing into the room. He immediately grabbed Ashton's shoulders, anger clear in his voice.

Luke almost screamed at him, but instead pulled Ashton away from Calum's grasp."Get the fuck away from him! Don't fucking touch him! He's just scared, it's not his fault. But you do not hurt him." Luke glared at Calum, and Calum froze.

What the fuck am I thinking?! He asked himself. Don't hurt him, you idiot.

Calum gulped."Ash, I'm sorry, I..." He faltered, seeing Luke frowning and shaking his head. Calum looked towards the ground."I'm sorry."

Ashton's hitting faltered, and his body gave way, falling into Luke. Luke kept a secure hold of him, whispering in Ashton's ear,"It's okay, I've got you."

Ashton grabbed Luke's top, continuing to cry, and sobbing,"You i-idiot," every so often.

And Luke took it, because he was an idiot. He knew that. He's scared Ashton shitless, to the point where he was crying more than Luke had ever seen, and that made Luke feel worse than ever. He never wanted to hurt Ashton. No, that was the last thing he wanted to do.

A sudden cough demanding attention was heard, a d Calum and Luke looked towards the door to see a pissed of Michael.

"Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on?"


Am I updating often enough? Cus school starts soon, and I want to update as much as possible because I won't be able to update as often then

Love y'all! xxx

Bye :)

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