29 ~ Stop!

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After cleaning Ashton's bleeding mouth and giving him some painkiller, Zoe headed through to her kitchen to heat up some soup. Ashton checked his phone, and almost dropped it in surprise.

"Shit, I've got seventeen missed calls," He gasped, and not to mention the mountain of texts. None from Luke, though, and Ashton didn't understand why, but that made his heart drop a little.

Zoe peered through at him, shaking her head."Don't phone them back. Leave them to suffer. Michael had no right to hit you like that, and anyways, you need some time away from that hotel. Stay here tonight, go back tomorrow when they've calmed down."

Ashton hesitated, but then nodded."Yeah, okay. Quiet night in. Soup, films, peace."

Zoe smiled."Yeah, peace."


It wasn't until later that night that Ashton jolted awake, hearing his phone ringing. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, sitting up. Zoe stirred beside him and he saw that the ending credits of a film were currently showing and that they'd fallen asleep on the couch. Ashton reached for his phone, the caller ID Lukey x showing. He couldn't remember making it that. Ashton shook his head, clicking answer. He immediately heard crying.

"Luke?" Ashton asked. Luke didn't seem to hear him however, as he just continued to cry."Luke?" Ashton asked again, louder this time.

"A-Ash?" Luke cried."Oh, g-god, I know it's late, I-I'm sorry, b-but I need your h-help. Cal and M-Michael are arguing. Th-They've been arguing for hours, b-but it's getting worse." There was a smash, and Ashton heard Luke yelp."Sh-Shit, Ash, p-please, I'm scared. S-Stop them, please."

"Luke, stay calm, I'll be as quick as I can."

Ashton hung up and immediately shook Zoe awake. She lazily looked up at him and groaned a,"What?"

"I've got to go, Luke needs me. Come round tomorrow, we can go out, kay?"

Zoe nodded, sighed, and rolled over, so Ashton grabbed his jacket and keys and left.


Ashton stormed into the hotel, immediately understanding why Luke was so scared. He was surprised nobody had yet called the police or some sort of room service to stop them, as they were sounded actually quite dangerous.

He headed straight for Luke's room, from which he could faintly hear crying. He swung the door open and found Luke curled up on his bed, hands covering his ears and tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Shit," Ashton groaned, rushing up to Luke and pulling his hands away."Luke? I'm here, it's okay."

Luke looked at Ashton with wide, tear filled eyes."A-Ash? P-Please stop th-them, I can't t-take this," Luke cried, and Ashton nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll sort it."

But Ashton could already feel his head beginning to spin, and he knew that he had to stop this soon before he likely collapsed. So he ran through to Michael's room where the shouting was coming from. He threw the door open, but Calum and Michael obviously hadn't noticed him because they just kept on with the yelling.

"Guys!" Ashton yelled weakly, but the two carried on, oblivious."Stop it!"

Calum looked over at him, his eyes full of anger."Shut up, Ash, don't fucking get involved."

Ashton had to lean on the door for support. He couldn't see straight, his head was spinning, his body was shaking, and he could hear Luke crying in the other room.

Before Ashton could say anything, he began to find it hard to breathe and then everything went black.


Shit, I'm so sorry, I disappeared again, didn't I?

And I might disappear again. I'll try not to.

Love y'all! xxx

Amnesia [Lashton] Sequel to YDHMCWhere stories live. Discover now