Chapter 5

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The routine was the same for the boys, eat breakfast in Mike's room to avoid his father.

Play D&D  with Max and Lucas during the weekend when they could hang out.

Stay in either of their rooms to avoid the rest of the family.

And check the mark on Will to make sure it still looked like he was being bitten.

But later through the weeks, he could smell Mike's hormones, his sexual desires just seeping out of his body whenever he was with Will.

But the werewolf couldn't lie, he was feeling more sexual emotions towards the vampire,  practically waking up with morning wood everyday.

Having to quickly relieve himself before getting to Mike's room.

But he wanted the routine to change, he wanted to do more than just the love bite.

Once the boys finish breakfast, Will looks up at Mike and unbuttons his shirt revealing the faint mark on his neck.

The ravenette raises an eyebrow as he starts to smirk.  He leans in and runs his thumb over the mark, making the brunette blush hard.

He wasnt sure how he was going to ask him.  Can we do more?  Can I kiss you?  I really like you, could we try other things too?

"Y-you can bite me."  Will sputters out as his face gets red.  He didnt mean to say that, but Mike's eyes fill with lust, blood lust.

"I see..  I mean I've only got to smell your blood, its intoxicating, but n-" "do you want it"  Will interrupts, his ears perking up as he looks at Mike with a serious expression.

Mike pauses, his mouth opening an closing, trying to find an answer, "because I can smell your hunger for it- I mean your hormones."  The werewolf explains as he rubs the back of his neck.

"I dont need-"  "Mike..  Do you want it?"  Will interrupts again, a serious tone, that had a low growl in the end, of annoyance. 

Annoyed by Mike's lying.

Mike stops and looks at Will, looking for hesitation in his eyes, hesitation in his posture or mouth. 

But there is no shaking, shivering or trembling.  Mike lets the beast inside him take control.

He grabs the younger boy and pushes him onto the bed, Will landing hard but not hurt.  Mike straddles Will's waist and leaning over kissing the brunette softly.

The werewolf freezes at the sudden action,  but then moves his lips with the ravenette's.

The kiss is slow and soft,  Mike's hands slithering down to the bottom of Will's shirt and snaking his hands up the boys back making Will arch his back in pleasure.

Soon the kiss deepened, Mike licking and nipping at will's lip, begging to come in.

Will smiles, chuckling as his tail wags a little.  But he doesn't let the vampire have his way as he keeps his mouth closed.

Mike pouts into the kiss but smirks as he reaches with one hand to Will's  head and starts rubbing one of the ears, earning a small moan from the boy.

Will wags his tail harder as Mike leans in and licks at his neck, moaning more from getting more attention.

His mouth parted as he let's out more moans.  Mike smirking as he dives in, his tongue slipping into the younger boy's mouth, exploring the cavern.

Will arches his back more, whimpering at the new sensation of the vampire's tongue in his mouth.

Mike moves his tongue around, licking at every tooth and the tongue, earning louder moans.

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