Chapter 23

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Will loses his posture for a second, his mouth agape before he answers.


"Dont fucking lie to me bitch."  Troy says coldly.

"I know who you are, I know who bought you, I know who put you into the blood market." Troy adds, a cold and dark smile creeping on his face as he walks towards Will, making Will fall onto his bum gasping in pain but backs up quickly.

Troy grabs his chin, his eyes still staring into the brunette's with disgust.

"It was my father."  He says darkly, a smirk plastered on his face to see the horror in Will's eyes.

"But-but it was a werewolf."  The brunette protests making Troy laugh.

"He's a hybrid of a vampire and a werewolf."  He says in a deadly quiet tone, making Will's eyes widen.

"And hes got a lot of you fuckers a better life..  in hell."  He spits out as Will pulls his chin out of Troy's grasp.

"Well that's your opinion, as you can see I'm in a better place than I was before."  Will explains making sure his voice doesnt falter.

Troy loses his composure for a second wanting to punch the werewolf below him.

"Dont talk back to me, you are in no position too since your family is-"

Troy stops himself as Will starts to look concerned for his family.

"What about them-" Will starts to panic, getting the feeling that Troy has new information.

'Werent they safe?  Back at home?'

But before anything could happen between the two they hear a jingle of the door and Troy turns around gasping a little.

Will feels like he'd burst into tears, the adrenaline wouldn't stop flowing through his veins.

"M-Mike."  He says quietly but frantically wanting to run to him but Troy was in his way.

"I thought so..  Get the fuck away from Will."  Mike says softly yet in a stern tone.

Troy gets up, then walks slowly away from Will and Mike.

Kiara walked out of the staff room and finds all three boys just there and was about to ask.  But Will gave her a warning look that made her nod and walk away back to the staff room.

Troy raises an eyebrow.  "Did you need something, frog face?  Cant you see I was in the middle of something with that bitch over there."  Troy scoffs as Mike walk towards Will and helps him up, bringing him close to himself with one arm.

"Cant come up with better nicknames for me?  And Will isnt a bitch,  hes my boyfriend.  And if you have an issue with that, that's fine, but dont fucking bring Will or me into your shit." Mike growls, his eyes flickering red.

Troy starts to look frustrated but afraid.  'Did Mike do something to him?'  Will thinks as Troy scoffs and starts to walk out.

"Anymore issues with us and you'll know you're fucking dead."  Mike snarls as Troy glares back, bright green eyes flicker for a second before they turn back to a light brown.

Troy then walks out of the store as Will sighs almost loosing his balance as his legs shake.

Mike keeps his grasp on him but helps him back down and sits beside the werewolf as Will buries his face into Mike's chest.

Tears now leaking out of his eyes as he tries to contain his breath.

"Its okay, hes gone..  its oka-"

"I-it's not okay, he said something about my family being somewhere!"  Will interrupts frantically, his body shaking in fear, and tears rolling down his cheeks.

Mike looks at him, using his thumb to wipe away the tears as Will let's out a shaky breath.

"What if they're in danger?  Why wouldn't they be home?"  The brunette says with a whimper escaping his throat.

"Well... why dont we look for them..?"  Mike asks as Will looks into his eyes his ears flicking everything way as if Troy was still there in hiding.

"Can we?"  Will asks desperately as Mike holds him tight.

"I'm sure they're fine, but we will go, bright and early tomorrow okay?"  Mike reassures the panicking brunette before kissing him softly on the cheek.

× × ×

Kiara decided to let Will leave early resulting to Mike and Will kissing desperately in their bedroom.

"Will is this really okay?" Mike asks with concern as Will lays down his mouth slightly open as he breathes heavily as he nods.

"Please I just need a distraction right now before we go."  Will begs as Mike leans down onto him and kisses him on the lips again.

This time more passionate and needy than before, both boys moaning and panting in between kisses as they move their hands on eachothers bodies.

Soon they break off and lay on the bed cuddling, Mike kissing wills head as he rubs his thumb over the brunette's left shoulder.

"If we go there... and...they arent there."  Mike starts as Will looks at him with a scared look.

"Who should we talk to?"  He asks as Will looks at the ceiling with thought.

He closes his eyes unsure who he could trust but remembers his baby sitter with Johnathan and Mom couldn't come home early in time

"Robin, I know where she lives in the town.  If-if we cant find m-mom and Johnathan, we go to her."  He says with worry as Mike nods.

"Okay, and you know the directions right?" Mike asks as Will sits up.

"I may need to look at a map before we go."  He says softly as they get out of bed to prepare for tomorrow.

While Will looks at a map, using a red marker to make a path, Mike makes some sandwiches and store them into the fridge to keep them fresh for the morning.

While they putter around to pack for the next day, small essentials like a pair of clothes, money, phone, car keys, water and hygienic items, the sun starts to set, making the lake copy the beautiful hues of blue, pink, orange and yellow as the Sun hits the edge of the water.

Will walks out to the balcony and rests his arms on the ledge, his head resting on his arms as his tail flicks from the wind.

Mike walks out and hugs Will from behind, kissing the back of Wills neck

"I'm sure Troy was just bluffing."  Mike says softly as Will turns around to see Mike's beautiful freckled face and chocolate brown eyes.

"I have to disagree, he caught himself midway sentence which really scared me.  He was hiding something from me."  Will says as his ears tilt down.

Mike frowns but hugs Will again.

"Well, let's hope for the best, right?"  Mike says softly before they watch the sunset, waiting for tomorrow's events.

They are going on and adventure, and Troy is a baby, reminds me of how Donald Trump reacted to Joe Biden's win (Trump is definitely gonna try to screw things up).  But anywho, I hope you guys have a snazzy day, stay safe and have fun.

Chicken ♡♡♡

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