Chapter 44

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Mike wakes up looking at the white ceiling, he turns his head seeing Will is all snuggled up to Mike, making the ravenette smile softly at the sight.

He checks the time and sees that its after nine, he thought it would be a good idea to wake the werewolf up since he also heard footsteps outside of the room.

He places his phone down and turns towards Will, rubbing the younger boy's cheek softly with his thumb.

"Will.  Wake up cutie."  Mike says softly as Will's ears twitch from the sound.  Instead of waking up the boy just nuzzles his face into Mike, the vampire's heart speeding up by the sight.

"Dont do that to me right now, we gotta wake up."  Mike says with a chuckle as he leans in and kisses Wills forehead.

Will's eyes flutter open as he looks at Mike groggily.

He scowls a little before turning around to continue sleeping,  Mike sighs with a smile as he gets up and gets changed into a christmas sweater  with his outfit.

He then goes around to the other side of the bed to wake Will up.  "Wake up, or you'll miss presents."

"No I won't."

Mike wips off the blankets, the brunete curling up as his ears tilt down and ge let's out an animalistic growl.

"Testing my patience, babe  I thought i trained you well last night."  Mike says in a seductive tone,  Will opening his eyes as he sees Mike getting on top of him.  "Need a recap before breakfast~?"  The vampire asks with a smirk before kissing Will,  the werewolf kissing back a little.

Once they part, Will shakes his head no.  "Fine, fine I'll get up."  He says reluctantly as he sits up, Mike satisfied with the flustered look on Will's face.

Once Will got dressed festive before they head out and are greeted by the smell of pancakes and bacon.

Will wags his tail early as they walk out to the dining room.

Joyce turns around and smiles seeing the sight of Will, she stoos what shes doing for a moment as she hugs the you get boy.

"Good morning!  Merry Christmas Will!"  She says joyfully as they hug eachother tightly, still surprised that their own embrace was real.  That they were no longer separate.

Mike walks up behind Will, and Joyce opens her eyes letting go of Will, walking up to the ravenette and giving him a hug.  "Merry Christmas Mike!"  She says gleefully as the vampire hugs back and chuckles softly.

""Thank you, you too Ms.Byers."  he says formally as Joyce waves it off, "just call me joyce, better yet-  mom."  She says with a smile, Will blushing and Mike smiling warmly.

The boys help set up the table while Jonathan records it all on his video camera.

Once everything was ready everyone sat down and started to eat.

"How was last night?" Jonathan asked, Joyce kicking his leg under the table and giving him a stern look, Will spitting out his milk onto his plate with beet red cheeks and Mike smirking at Will before grabbing a Kleenex and wiping Wills face.

The brunette reluctantly allows Mike to clean him up as Joyce goes back to eating and Jonathan tries to suppress his laughs from coming out.

"It was good."  Mike says all too knowingly as Wills cheeks dont fade in the red colour, but turn even more red.  "Yours?"  He asks Jonathan as he starts to eat again, Will looking down at his depressed looking pancakes now covered in milk.

"Tiring, mother here made me watch three more hallmark movies."  He says with a chuckle as Joyce rolls her eyes.

"It was to give you two privacy!"  She explains looking at Mike, Will almost choking on his pancakes, remembering how shamelessly he begged Mike to let him cum.

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