Chapter 15

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6 years...

6 years since Will last saw his brother and his mom.

6 years since hes seen the sunlight outside, hear the chirps of birds, smell the old pine scent of Castle Byers.

Will lays on his bed with lidded eyes, with a thin lipped frown plastered onto his face as he traces his arms.

Drawings of wizards, dwarfs, elves, Jonathan, his mom, a castle, a sky with a rainbow.

Anything his mind could remember outside of the Blood Market.

His ear twitches as Dustin opens his cage but stays outside and leaves the door open.

Will looks up at Dustin as he sees pity and sadness in his eyes.

"You were purchased..."

The words hit Will's heart with a bullet as he sits up on his bed with a heavy pain on his chest.


The word sounded new but old, strange but normal, concerning and scary.

The brunette tilts his ears in fear as he stands up from his bed.

"Its time to get you ready, I have a towel and clothes for you to get into once you clean yourself." Dustin explains as Will gives a nod of thanks and walks over to Dustin.

'This is it.  This is the end.  I cant see Jonathan, or mom.  I have to say good bye to Dustin, I have to lose my life and for what?'  Will thought hopelessly.

But he didnt know that he'd land in the arms of a Vampire, that loves him,  not wanting to devour him.

× × ×

Will is in tears by the time he finishes his story.  He sobs in between sentences and Mike cradles the werewolf in his arms.

"I'm sorry,  I shouldnt have pried or asked-"

"No no, thank you... this heaviness I had is gone now.."  Will interupts as he burst his face in Mike's neck, feeling warmth and comfort from the older boy.

And it was true, he kept those emotions to himself for ages, six years, bottled in his mind and heart.

And Mike just softly opened the lid, letting it slowly pour, not spill and crash, but pour out of Will.

"Thank you Mike."  Will says quietly before leaning up and kissing Mike on the cheek.

Mike holds the younger boy's chin and kisses him, Will kisses back softly,  their lips part for a second to breath, but then latch on to eachother again.

Mike pulls back as he wipes a tear away from Will's cheek and smiles.

"You didnt deserve to go through that.  The Blood Market has such a flawed system.  Hell, it shouldnt even exist." Mike says angrily, his eyes flashing mad emotions.

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