Chapter 13

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Khrys had enjoyed her day downtown with the boys, they showed her around the city, and took pride in where they lived and it absolutely warmed her heart. Once they brought the day to an end, they all stopped to eat dinner at their usual diner so they wouldn't be bothered. It felt good for her to forget she was a celebrity for once. After dinner, they all headed back to Marshall's house. But of course, once all the guys got in, they beelined for the couch, where Marshall cut on what seemed to be a college football game.

It's like he just knew.

Khrys shook her head to herself and walked over to the side of the couch.

"You guys need anything? Snacks? Beer?"

Von and Deshaun looked over at her. "No girl, but thanks. We can get our spoiled asses up if we need anything. Don't worry about us. Go relax." They both had smiles on their faces, seemingly grateful for her being willing to cater to them.

She nodded and headed up the stairs, deciding that she'd take a shower before Marshall came up. And judging by the noise coming from downstairs, it'd be a while before he did. Once she stepped into his room, she went straight for her overnight bag, but she was interrupted when her phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and flipped it open to look at the caller I.D. It was Jenna. She smiled and answered it, shoving the phone between her head and shoulder, continuing to dig through her bag.

"Hey!" She beamed.

"Hi, baby," Jenna answered just as enthusiastically.

"Did you make it home yet?"

"Yeah, that's actually why I was calling you. To let you know that I made it. Work has been exhausting. I can't wait till you get back so we can catch up."

"Oh that's great, how was your trip?"

"It was honestly exhausting. I wish you were here so I can finally cuddle up with you and talk all about it.

Khrys intended on answering Jenna but something caught her attention and made her freeze. She heard a familiar male voice in the background mumbling an 'I found something.' followed by a 'shh' from Jenna.

"Jenna." She wearily responded.


"Who is that?" She already knew the answer but she wanted to hear it from Jenna.

"Who is who?" She asked, cluelessly.

"Who the fuck is that at my house?" She spat, pure venom dripping from her voice.

"It's just me, Khrys. What are you on about?"

She heard the voice again in the background muttering 'stupid bitch' and she felt her blood boil. How dare she bring him to her home? Why the hell were they there together? There were so many questions floating around in her head but she knew for a fact she didn't want anything to do with either of them anymore.



"Lose my number. And if I come back and you're still in my home, I have some news for your ass."

"But wait! I can exp-"

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