Girl Time

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The next morning you're woken up by Bryan crawling out of bed.
"Mm, good morning." You say as your stretch your hands above your head.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." He says walking back to the bed.
"You're fine. What time is it?"
"8:00. I have some things to do first thing this morning but we have a pretty light afternoon." He says smiling at you.
"Okay." You say trying to keep your eyes open.
"Go back to sleep babygirl. We will be back around 11 or 12. Heidi will be home so you won't be alone but feel free to take a shower and wander around the area a little bit while we're gone if you're up for it." He says before leaning down to give you a kiss on the forehead.
"Mm, okay." You agree and snuggle back into the blanket.

When you wake up again you roll over and check your phone. It's about 9:30. You decide to gather your bathroom things and take a shower.

When you look at yourself in the mirror you notice a new glow about yourself. You feel good, relaxed, beautiful. You brush your fingers over jaw and neck where Bryan's lips would kiss last night. Remembering the night you had with him brings a smile to your face.

After your shower you dry off and get dressed for the day. Not knowing what the plans were you dress in a light blue pair of ripped skinny jeans that show maybe a little too much skin on your upper thigh in some holes, a red crop top, and your favorite pair of shoes. You decide to let your hair do its natural curl, put on some makeup to help the glow there already there, and you top the look off with a red bandanna bow headband.

You walk downstairs and see Heidi sitting at the counter on her laptop.

"Good morning." You say as you walk into the room.
"Oh good morning (your name). I didn't think anybody was home." She laughs.
"Bryan let me sleep in." You smile.
"Well that was nice of him." She says looking back to her screen.

You grab a cup and get some coffee.
"What are you working on?" You ask trying to make conversation.
"Just some stuff for the boys. We're doing a Q&A tonight after the main live." She says as she types on her keyboard.
"Oh! I love watching those!" You laugh.
"Really?" She smiles up at you.
"Yeah! It really lets the fans get to know the boys!" You smile.
"Do you want to help? I could really use it." She asks.
"Sure!" You say sitting next to her.

You're typing all the questions coming in to her messages trying not to use any duplicates. Heidi grabbed another laptop and starting doing more manager things while you took care of the tedious stuff.

"We're home!" You hear Chris yell as he walks through the house.
Bryan walks into the kitchen and sees you on the laptop.
"What are you doing?" He laughs as he wraps his arms around you.
"Helping Heidi get some stuff done for you boys." You smile up at him and pucker your lips.
He leans down and kisses you softly. "Well that's nice of you." He says smiling.
"Figured I could help out when I'm here. Help when you're busy and stuff." You say going back to the questions.
"You don't have to but I'm sure her and Zach appreciate it." He says dragging his hand across your neck as he starts walking to the other side of the counter.
The touch sends electricity down through you. When you look back up at him he flashes a smirk and winks.

You're just about done typing out all the questions when Darius comes into the kitchen.
"Hey Bryan, want to come take some photo with me? I need some new ones for insta." He says.
Bryan looks at you and you give a slight nod.
"Yeah. Give me like 10?"
"Yeah." The newest member of the house responds before walking out of the room.

"Are you sure?" Bryan ask you.
"Yeah. Go have fun!" You say smiling.
"I don't want to just leave you here all day." He says poking his lip out.
"I'll be fine. I can see you when you get back. And after lives tonight." You say.
"Okay." Bryan says smiling and giving you a kiss.

After he walks out of the room Heidi speaks up. "You guys are so cute it's disgusting." She laughs.
"Why do you say that?" You laugh slightly embarrassed.
"You make him happy. I can tell. And he makes you happy. It's written all over your face. Not to mention your bubblier today." She says raising her eyebrow.
"Oh- umm-" not sure what exactly to tell her you stammer over your words.
"It's okay. I won't say anything, but I walked by the room last night and-"
"Oh my god!" You shriek hiding your face in your hands.
Heidi laughs at you. "It's okay! Really. It's good for him!"
You can't help but laugh off the embarrassment. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be." She says shrugging her shoulders.

You and Heidi finish your work and she offers to paint your nails.
You go up to her bedroom and look at the collection of polish she has.
"Hmm, I'm thinking maybe a blue and white?"
"Yes!" Heidi exclaims in agreement.

Heidi tells you all the gossip about the boys while you guys bond.

Bryan comes walking into the room.
"Heidi, you can't steal her from me yet! I've had one day with her." He says jokingly.
"I'm just making a friend." You say back to him rolling your eyes and laughing.
"Well I'm glad but I want you now." He pouts.
You and Heidi exchange glances and let out a laugh.
"What's so funny?" He asks.
"Nothing." You say climbing off her bed and walking out of the room.

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