Watching Bryan

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When you guys get downstairs Zach hands you both a plate and smirks.
"What?" Bryan half shrieks defensively.
"Nothing." Zach laughs.

You guys have finished dinner, you and Bryan cleared the table, Chris and Tyler offered to do dishes, and the rest of the boys went to game. When Bryan and you are done clearing the table and wiping it down, he walks up behind you and wraps his arms around you.

"So we have a few hours until I have to go live, do you have anything you want to do?" He asks.
"Not really." You giggle. "Do you have to make content? I'd love to watch the magic happen." You turn to face him.
"Oh babygirl, the magic doesn't happen while filming at TikTok, you know that." He winks and smirks.
"Oh get your head out of the gutter!" You laugh and push him.
"Okay! Okay! You can watch me film. But don't laugh at me! I'm very particular about my videos." He says poking his bottom lip out.
"Never." You say as you lean up and peck his lips quickly.
"Meet me in the bathroom in 5?" He says looking at you.
"Bryan?" You ask letting a laugh slip through your lips.
"No!" He chuckles. "That's where I film!" He laughs.
"Oh. Okay." You confusingly let out a giggle.
Bryan turns away from you and walks away.
You make your way to the bathroom and sit yourself up on the counter. A couple minutes later Bryan walks in with a ring light and in a new outfit with a couple shirts in hand as well.
"What-" you laugh as he walks in.
"You said you wouldn't laugh." He says poking his lip out at you.
"I just don't understand why in here?" You continue laughing.
"One, it's private, too the lighting in here with the ring light is perfect for whatever type of video we're making.
"We?" You question.
"Yeah all of us boys have made videos in here." He laughs.
"Well okay then. I typically just make them in my room but, y'all fancy." You laugh.
"Oh whatever." Bryan rolls his eyes and kiss you.

When he pulls away he turns the ring light on and puts his phone in the center.
You watch as he lets the audio play over and over, mouthing the lines trying to remember them. The countdown on the video starts and then the audio starts.
You watch as he acts out his point of view. It's memorizing. His eyes, his lips, the way his jaw clenches and unclenches, how the emotions on his face show just like they do in real life when he's talking. It's amazing how much true emotion he puts in when he's making his videos.
He watches the video about 6 times before he saves it to post later today.
He scrolls through multi pile audios before choosing another one. This time he takes his shirt off and steps into the shower while then timer counts down. He appears in front of the camera, licks his lips, and looks up and down, and lips the words, "Do I make your horny baby?" and the only thing that comes to your mind is "yes, yes you do." You feel yourself licking your lips and and biting your lip. Bryan must've noticed as well because he steps out of the shower, audio still playing, walks up to you and cups your face. The audio continues to loops and right in sync he whispers in your ear, "do I make you horny baby?".
The words and his breath send a shiver down your spine. Bryan lightly nibbles on your ear and traces your jaw with his lips. Sucking in sharply your hands grab his hair as he kisses the sweet spot on your neck. Kissing down your neck and across your collar bone his hands find your waist and grips tightly. His lips meet yours again and you guys get caught up in the moment. His phone stops playing then audio but you guys continue.

Your little rendezvous comes to and end and Bryan kisses you softly.
"Are you okay?" He asks you.
"Yes." You laugh. "Are you?" You question.
"My shoulders are a little sore, but that's it." He peering up to you through his eyelashes.
"Okay." You say kissing his forehead.

You watch as Bryan films a few more videos. He posts one, locks the screen, unplugs the ring light and looks at you.
"Ready?" He asks.
"Ready." You smile jumping off the counter.
You both walk out of the bathroom and Bryan goes to put the ring light back. You follow him throughout the house. And see all the boys, each doing their own thing. Playing video games, scrolling their phones, eating. A little bit of everything. You look at your phone and notice there's only 20 minutes until lives start.
Bryan walks up to you after setting the ring light back in its spot.
"So are you going to watch the live down here tonight?" He asks smiling and grabbing the belt loop on your jeans making your hips sway.
"If you want me to." You say biting your lip.
"Mm, of course." He says pulling his lip between his teeth.
"Okay." You smile at him.

The boys run around changing shirts, setting their phones up, getting last minute things around for live. The music has been on all day but now it's louder and practically fills the whole house. The boys sit down in their chairs and get their phones set up in the ring light. Bryan gives you a wink and quick kiss in the air before touching his phone.
"Hello angels!" He says as people start appearing.
"Hey babies!"
"Hey beautiful!"
The boys all get loud and start talking to the screens.
The lights, the music, the boys. Seeing it on a screen has nothing on seeing it in person. You find yourself watching Bryan again. You've been watching him all day. Admiring how perfect he is, wondering how you've gotten so lucky, so luck he wants you. You admire his smile, his eyes, his hips as they move. How his leg bounces when he's sitting down. How he keeps glancing over at you. The small smile he gets when he makes eye contact with you. Everything about him, it's all perfect.

You're ripped from your thoughts when somebody walks behind you and says your name.

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