A Day Out

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You're sitting in the passenger seat, pink drink in one hand the other on Bryan's neck, his hand on your thigh, looking from the road to you once in a while. Listening to a variety of music, you both belt the lyrics out to every song that plays. Driving through the city, the view is spectacular, but looking over at Bryan leaves you breathless.

He pulls into a parking spot and shuts the car off. Looking over at you he smiles.
"Are you ready?"
"Yeah!" You say excitedly and hurry out of the car.
You start down the sidewalk and see all the pink and gold stars.
"Look Mickey Mouse!" You point our excitedly.
"Walt Disney!" You say again.
Bryan can't help but laugh at you.
"I'm sorry." You say poking your bottom lip out. "This has been something I've wanted to do since I was a little girl."
"No, it's cute." He says hugging you and kissing you briefly.
He grabs your hand and you keep walking.
"Frank Sinatra, Audrey Hepburn, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe?!"
"Kevin Hart, Johnny Depp, KISS, Tim McGraw, *NSYNC, Betty White."
You can't help but point out all the people you've heard plenty of growing up. And each time you say a name he smiles at you and his eyes glow.

You finally reach the end. You continue walking hand in hand until the sidewalk itself comes to an end.
"What's next?" Bryan asks you grabbing your waist.
"I don't know! That's going to be really hard to beat." You laugh.
Just then his eyes get big and you look around to find what he's looking at. When you do you notice it's a jewelry shop.
"Bryan." You say.
"Let's go." He says as he drags you across the street.
When you walk in the whole place shines. Sparkling diamonds sit in the cases, you see a few Ruby's and opals, along with a few other stones as well.
"Pick something." He says to you.
"What? No." You laugh at him.
When his face goes stern you get chills down your spine.
"You're being serious?" You let out another light laugh.
"Yes." He says. "Pick something. Anything." He finally smiles.
"Uhh- okay." You say questioningly.
You walk about the store and look in the cases. A few of the rings catch your eye, it you'd rather him pick one out himself. You keep walking and a little further down the case a necklace grabs your attention.
"Can I- um- can I see this please?" You ask the jeweler pointing at the necklace.
She grabs it out and sets it on a velvet pad. You fall in love with it. A simple silver chain with a silver and rose gold crown charm attached, and inside the crown tiny diamonds.
"This is gorgeous." You whisper to yourself.
"Do you like it?" Bryan asks you.
"I love it." You say standing up straight again.
"Um- how much, is this?" You wince asking the jeweler.
"It's-" she's quickly cut off by Bryan handing her his card.
"Bryan, I want to know how much it is." You tell him.
"Don't worry about it." He says walking to the register.
"The total is-"
"No need, just run it please." He cuts her off again.
She flashes him and smile, hands him the bag with the necklace and his card and thanks him for his purchase.
When you get outside of the shop you start walking fast.
"Babygirl. Hey! (Your name)!" He yells after you.
"Bryan, I don't need you to buy things for me. Why won't you tell me how much that necklace was. I could've at least helped pay for it." You half yell at him.
"Stop, I know you don't need me to, I wanted to. I wanted to get you something to remember me when you go home, and I didn't know what to get you. So I just let you pick it." He says rubbing the back of his neck.
"Really?" You ask shocked at his response.
"Yes." He says letting a chuckle out.
"Why though?" You ask raising your eyebrow.
"What do you mean why?" He laughs.
"Well, I love you (your name)." He says.
"Oh. That's it?" You laugh.
"Is that not enough?" He questions.
"No, it is. I was just wondering." You say still laughing.

You walk around for a while longer before stopping for lunch at a sports bar. While eating lunch Bryan pulls the necklace from its box and dangles it in front of you.
"You would look stunning with this on." He says smiling looking at the necklace.
"I know I would. When can I have it?" You laugh as you bite a fry.
"Well soon." He says. "But there's one more thing we have to do." He says.
"Okay?" You question.
"You don't want to know what it is?" He laughs.
"No I do." You raise an eyebrow.
"Well- I think we need to make things official. Don't you?" He raises his eyebrow to you.
"(Your name), will you please make things official with me and let me call you my girlfriend, or mine. Whatever works for you." He smiles trying not to laugh.
"You are so cheesy!" You laugh. "Of course I will." You smile back at him.
He walks around the table and places a kiss on your lips. He walks behind you and you pull your hair to the side. He clasps the necklace around your neck and it hangs just below your collar bone. He gently kisses your shoulder and walks back, to his seat.
"Beautiful." He says before taking another sip of his drink.
"You grab the necklace holding the charm in your hand, "I love it Bryan. Thank you. Really." You say smiling at him.

When you're finished eating lunch you guys walk back to the car, taking your time getting back he shows you some of his favorite places in the city, certain tourist spots that everybody loves to see, including the Hollywood sign. Driving back home is just like the ride there. Full of energy, lots of laughs and singing.

When you pull into the driveway of the house Bryan shuts the car off and looks over at you.
Smiling he leans in and you meet him over the center counsel. Kissing him lightly. He wraps his hand around the back of your head and pulls you in closer, making the kiss deeper. Your lips slotting together, everything feels, right.

You walk up to the door and before entering you turn to him.
"What's wrong?" He asks you.
"Nothing. I just wanted to say thank you so much for today."
"It's not a problem beautiful." He says smiling at you.
"No really, thank, you. It was so much fun- amazing actually. So, thank you." You get up on your toes and kiss his cheek.
"Anything for you babygirl." He says before he opens the door to inside.

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