The Last Night

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You've been watching the boys make content, run around like children, and just vibe. You laugh as they bicker it's each other. Soaking in everything that comes with these boys, you're content, happy, relaxed.

"Hey." Chris's voice startles you.
"Oh hey Chris." You reply
"Whatcha doing?" He asks you.
"Oh nothing." You laugh.
"So you and my brother huh?" He asks as he sits down next to you.
"Yeah." You smile.
"He deserves a good girl like you." He says putting his hand around your shoulder.
"Thanks Chris. I hope I make him as happy as he makes me." You admit.
"You do. I can see it. He's a happy person, he's not all about just work anymore. He's not afraid to mess around and just be himself anymore."
"I mean he always played around Chris. Come on now." You laugh bumping Chris's shoulder.
"No- I didn't- I mean, he does it more often now. It's almost a daily thing just like the rest of us." He says.
"Oh- well I just don't want it to interfere with his work." You say.
"It won't. We all know when the time to play and the time to be serious is. Always have. But Bryan was normally stuck in the work part, now-".  Chris trails off as he watches Bryan and Dayne wrestle each other to the ground. "Now he's Bryan again." He smiles looking back to you.
"Well, I promise to do everything I can to keep him happy Chris." You tell him putting your hand on his arm.
"Thank you." Chris says to you.
He leans in and wraps his arms around neck, you naturally wrap your arms around him and embrace the hug.
He runs back to the rest of the boy's to join the wrestling match taking place. He jumps right onto Dayne's back yelling "that's my brother!". You can't help but let out a laugh.
Heidi sits next to you on the couch. "It's a sight isn't it?" She laughs.
"It really is. You guys took something good and made it better." You smile.
"Thank you. Zach mostly, but thank you." She smiles at you.
"You're welcome." You say.

As you stash the boys talk during dinner, and then run around for live again, the reality of you going home tomorrow sets in. As much as you don't want to leave this house and all these boys behind, you know you have to. You set yourself up next to Zach in the skybox and watch the boys start.

There's 15 minutes left of the live so you decide to go outside. You sit yourself on the patio set and take in the view. You feel a tear run down your face. And then another, and another, and then you realize you're not crying as hard as the wetness on your face makes it seem, it's raining again. You lift your face to the sky and let the droplets hit your face. Soaking in the rain you clothes start to dampen and your hair starts to get its natural curl.

"You look so beautiful right now." You hear Bryan's voice say.
You look over at the door and see Bryan walking towards you.
"I'm sorry. I just-"
"You're fine." He laughs. "You really like the rain huh?" He asks you.
"Yeah. It's calming." You let out a giggle.
"Can I?" He asks pointing to the open cushion next to you.
"Of course." You say moving over just a little to make more room for him.

He sits with you as the rain picks up slightly. You look at him and everything seems right.
"Hey." You say getting his attention.
When he turns his head you wrap your arms around his neck and place a passionate kiss on his lips. He returns the action immediately.

"Can we just, sit here?" You ask as he wraps his arms over your shoulders.
"Of course." Bryan responds.
"I really don't want to leave tomorrow." You admit.
"I don't want you to leave tomorrow." He whispers back.

You sit on the wicker loveseat in Bryan's arms as the rain drops down. You watch the lightning in the distance and listen to his breathing. And for the moment, everything is perfect.

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