Feelings come together

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Thursday 9, 8h35.


-Good morning Jim, resounded a sweet voice.

-Freddie, wondered the Irishman. It's been a long time, what do you become?

-Honestly I hit hard times, he whispered with a sight. I even canceled a tour to go home.

-A tour? Is that why I never heard from you?

-Yes, I though of you every days. I felt very lonely and I wanted to hear your voice again.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, Freddie let it go, at least waiting for Jim to answer.

-Sorry...all this time I thought you were mad at me; after I left your house in a hurry.

-Do you mean you thought of me too, asked Freddie hiding his joy.

-Yeah, and I would like to see you again if you want.

The singer's heart miss a beat.

-Would you like to dinner with me tonight? There will only be you and me.

-If you propose in this case the answer is yes, affirmed Jim gently. Hopefully I'll be there around 8 p.m.

-That suit me perfectly dear, I look forward to see you again!


It was almost time and Freddie didn't take his eyes off the clock, each second seemed to last for hours and the more he got impatient the more his body shivered. He bit his lower lip until the bell pulled him from his torment and he rush there in the second that followed.

-There you are beautiful man, he exclamed with a big smile.

The rockstar didn't waste a minute and wrapped his arms around the Irishman. Jim had prepared for it and just put his chin on his shoulder, his heart already beating hard he rarely felt the need to be close to someone. Freddie inhaled his scent he recognized a smell of perfume, of jasmine but of poor quality. Very cute.

-Freddie...easy you suffocate me, murmured Jim.

-I lose sight of you for one month and you grow a beard, he mocked gently.

-I needed change, justified the Irishman with a neutral tone.

The singer tenderly caressed the top of his hair then broke the embrace without letting go of his shoulders, there was always an unanswered question.

-Listen my dear, he started quietly. For days I wondered why you decided to leave the house like this, but no explanation came to my mind.

Jim shrugged, how to explain that to him?

-You may find it silly but in truth...I panicked.

-Excuse me?

-I was not prepared to end up in your bed, and when I saw you laying on top of me and smiling like it was completely normal, he blew. Even I can't explain it to myself.

It may have been a pretty rough answer but it was better than nothing, in Freddie's ears there was only one possible conclusion. However he would have to wait for the right moment and take full advantage of this evening, he placed an affectionate hand on the Irishman's cheek then told him tenderly:

-It doesn't matter any more, you're there and I want us to pick up exactly where we left off.

-Speaking of which I have something for you, he presented him with a small box that the singer hadn't yet noticed. It's not much but I think you should like it.

Book 1. Finding A Way.Where stories live. Discover now