Chapter 0

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Akagi Mamoru knew Akaashi Keiji way back to when they were diapers buddies. Their mothers are bestfriends and naturally, it was expected of them to end up like that too. From the moment they could crawl, the pair had always been together. Never one without the other, the two were inseperable. She knew everything about him, from his favorite food and color to his secret mole on the right cheek of his butt. And of course, Keiji knew everything little thing about her too.

The two were very much alike. Both aloof yet humorous and entertaining to be with, which is the reason why they both got along just fine. Keiji would always hang out at Mamoru's room doing homeworks or watching movies until 3 am in the morning. Like siblings usually do. Yeah. They were pretty much siblings from different mothers. It continued like that for the rest of their last summer before they entered high school.

Everything's fine as usual. Same class, seats beside each other, and same notebook designs and phone keychains. People started gossiping about them dating which got even worse when Keiji applied for the volleyball club, although it immediately got cleared out by Bokuto announcing their platonic love relationship. It was true for the most part since Keiji loves Mamoru like his twin sister, but it wasn't the same for Mamoru.

Honestly, she wasn't sure if she did have romantic feelings for her bestfriend. Sure she enjoyed his presence and so did he. She wanted to see him everyday and be with him all the time and so did he. Mamoru almost came to an conclusion that she was just overthinking about it. To fall in love with her precious bestfriend is clearly out of the question, they considered each other siblings for the longest time.

However, a sudden affirmation of her feelings happened when Keiji started hanging out with a pretty upperclassman.

Faced with jealousy, loneliness and pain, is it really such a foolish thing for Mamoru to fall for Keiji?

Faced with jealousy, loneliness and pain, is it really such a foolish thing for Mamoru to fall for Keiji?

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