Chapter 2

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"The sun isn't even up yet"

Mamoru's complaint was followed by a yawn as she walked sluggishly next to her bestfriend, Keiji. It's currently 6 am and you see, she was forced to wake up so damn early in the morning by her beloved friend.

The chilling morning breeze had Mamoru shivering despite wearing tracksuit pants and a comfortable sweater over her white shirt.

Keiji on the other hand rolled his eyes knowing that she must've forgot that it's almost winter.

"Why do I have to come to your practice again?" she huffed, feeling already betrayed by the fact that he didn't show up to their movie marathon last night and he had the nerve to force her now to go with him.

Keiji shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe it's because you're another one of our female managers or you just love me that's why you're still not stomping those short legs of yours back home" his reply was both truthful yet sarcastic in every way, one thing that made him even more so annoying.

Although his bluntness and honesty were part of his good points, explaining why a lot of first years get all shy and coy around the said boy.

"You already have two, why did you have to go and add me in? Oh and the short legs part was uncalled for" Mamoru retorted, messing her already messy chestnut hair.

Keiji who had one hand holding his bag over his shoulder, glanced at his bestfriend throwing a mini tantrum so early in the morning, a dead look on his face slowly turning into a warm smile. "That"s because I want to keep you close to me, Maru"

It was the usual flirty lines Keiji always used to tease her but this one was rather stranger and different than most.

The brunette felt a weird skip of beat in her heart as her lips pressed together in a straight line, still staring intently at the boy walking beside her.

Snapping herself back to reality, Mamoru nudged him on the side and rolled her eyes.

"I've had enough of you, you good looking smooth talker"


The Bokuto Siblings' voice echoed in the whole gymnasium as the twp ran from the other side just to say hi to the team's prized setter. Kotaro and Kikuchi pushed each other to get headstart, however it ended with the two of them tripping and landing on their faces as they approached Keiji.

Mamoru stifled a laugh behind the ravenette as she watched the said boy bent his knees to look at the fallen siblings, "Bokuto-san and Kikuchi-san, you're so rowdy and it's causing trouble for us" he said as a matter of fact instead of the expected and usual 'are you okay' skit.

Kikuchi got up from the ground and energetically jumped on Keiji's back, "Akaashi akaashi, say it to Nii-chan's face that I'm cuter than him!" The silver haired girl demanded, swinging back and forth and almost choking the life out of the poor setter. "Ah and I'm a Bokuto too! Why are you calling Nii-chan by our last name!"

"Oi Kikuchi get off Akaashi! He's my setter!" Kotaro yelled, picking himself off the ground tried pulling his sister away from Keiji.

Mamoru shook her head as she started tickling Kikuchi to get her off her bestfriend, "Kikuchi, let go of him and let's go to the photography club" she urged, pulling away the girl from Keiji.

"Nooo!!! I don't want to leave Akaashi with Nii-chan! He'll get another headstart!" whined the younger Bokuto, trying to get out of Mamoru's grasp, only to fail miserably considering the fact that she studied taekwondo a few years back.

The brunette held her back firmly, and ushered the two to get back to practice, "I'll see you later after class, Keiji" Mamoru did a playful wink at the boy who in turn, scrunched his nose as if disgusted.

Getting a glare from his bestfriend, Keiji chuckled and waved his hand from the retreatinh figure of Mamoru and Kikuchi in the distance.

A few minutes later, Keiji was busy stretching himself and preparing for practice, when Konoha walked over and sat down beside him.

"You know, your best friend is hot. Have you ever noticed that?" He commented, stopping Keiji from what he was doing. "Mind if I take her?" Konoha added with a smirk plastered on his face.

The ravenette setter hummed in a mixture of confusion and irritation inside him, "Mamoru will probably reject you before you might even try, Konoha-san" Keiji stood up and started walking over to the ball cart.

Konoha, for some reason, found his answer more amusing than usual. Sure he wasn't careful with most of his comments and words, but it becomes even more sharp and blunt whenever it was Mamoru they were talking about.

Following the ravenette, he poked his nose on the topic even more, "Your best friend is with one of the prettiest girls in Fukurodani and you don't even bat an eyelash. Man, you sure are one tough nut to crack" Konoha nudged him on the side.

"Mamoru is like my sister. I see her as one and will treat her like one" Keiji responded, his voice getting colder as the aura around him gloomed.

Konoha chuckled beside him, "Then you won't have any problems with me, pursuing her right?"

Again, his randomness had Keiji pursing his lips and staying silent for a few seconds. Keiji finally snapped out of his trance and shrugged.

"I guess so"

Keiji found himself feeling uneasy, intrigued by the fact that Konoha might be serious, and would actually go for his bestfriend.


Seeing a certain red haired female pass by, his thoughts about Mamoru ceased and was replaced with "Ayukawa Minami-san, ohayou gozaimasu" Keiji greeted and bent his body to show respect at his senior.

The pretty girl smiled, "Ohayou, Akaashi-kun"

A blush slowly crept up on Keiji's cheeks as the two talked for a few more minutes before practice.

A blush slowly crept up on Keiji's cheeks as the two talked for a few more minutes before practice

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