Chapter 7

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Mamoru spent her whole weekend locked up insider her room, either watching movies or reading books. She swore she wasn't going to cry, it would make her look pitiful than before.

She put her phone on silent, to block out Keiji's attempts to ring her up or message her.

The least she needed right now was to see or talk to him. But sadly, Monday was already here and as much as she hated to, Mamoru had to attend classes.

"Mamo-chan, did you have a fight with Kei-chan?" Her mother, Ruri, asked as she cascaded down the stairs.

The brunette huffed a sigh, clearly not wanting to answer her own mother's question. "It's nothing much Mama. Just our usual tantrums"

Ruri caught wind of her daughter's change in tone and decided to just stop interrogating her. Instead, she pulled her eldest child into a warm hug.

"Whatever it is you fought about, it'll be fine in the end Mamo-chan. You guys are best friends your whole life. A simple fight isn't going to change that. Don't worry about it too much" the tense in her daughter's shoulders died down as she returned her embrace.

"Ah! Mamo-nee is hugging Mama back!" Hearing the sound of her sister's exclaim, Mamoru pulled back rather instantly.

"Stop being so noisy Komugi" she threw the younger child a glare. "I'll be going now" Mamoru announced before storming off outside the door.

She walked slowly, considering that she left early and wouldn't be late to school. The words her mother said kept ringing inside her mind.

A simple fight isn't going to change that, huh? Mamoru scoffed at the idea. It wasn't a simple fight. At least, not for her. It was a losing battle, a war that began when her feelings started going out of control.

It's now come to the point where she can't even deny it.

Mamoru sighed heavily, finally admitting to herself. "Why in the world did I end up falling in love with him?"she whispered.

"Well that's only natural"

Mamoru swore her heart almost jumped out of her chest hearing a sudden reply out of nowhere. "Stop sneaking up on me like that Akinori-san" she scolded the older boy.

Konoha chuckled seeing her surprised expression, "Ohayou Mamoru-chan" he greeted with a smile.

The brunette felt a whole lot happier having Konoha again beside her. He was the only one who knew about her unwanted feelings without her even telling him and always avoided touching the topic whenever they call each other last Saturday and Sunday.

"Ohayou Akinori-san" Mamoru smiled back.

Keiji was a bit later than usual in leaving his house. He overslept all because he stayed up late trying to get through Mamoru.

"Kaa-san, I'm leaving" Keiji stated as he fixed his shoes.

"Have fun at school today, Keiji" Akaashi Mio, his mother, replied enthusiastically.

In truth, there was nothing fun to do at school. All he could think of at the moment is Mamoru and what she meant last time. Keiji felt guilty than ever knowing that he messed up big time.

And he felt bad all the more because while he was enjoying his whole time yesterday with Hinami, his own best friend was waiting miserably alone for him. He couldn't feel a bit of excitement even though today marks the first day of dating Hinami.

As he exited their house, his eyes immediately wandered to Mamoru's wavy brown hair swaying side to side as she strode. But that wasn't all. Beside her stood Konoha with his hand on her head.

"Tsk. I told her not to get too close to him" he hissed under his breath and was already stomping to the two when his phone vibrated.

"What now?" Keiji sighed and fished the device out.

From : Girlfriend-san
To : Boyfriend-kun
Subject : Good morning.

Good morning Keiji-kun, are you on your way? I'll be waiting for you.

The ravenette shut his eyes and heaved another sigh. As much as he wanted to drag Mamoru back, his own responsibility as Hinami's boyfriend hinders him to do so.

Reluctantly, Keiji turned around and started walking the other way, towards Hinami's house. He strode along the street, mind wandering constantly between Mamoru and Hinami.

Soon enough, Konoha and Mamoru reached Fukurodani. The pair parted ways with a smile, both promising to meet during lunch at the back of the court.

The brunette settled down her usual seat and was greeted with a hug from Kikuchi. "Ohayou Mamoru!" She cooed.

Chuckling at her friend's childish behavior Mamoru replied, "What's got you so fired up?" She asked.

Kikuchi sighed and settled down her seat, "I just missed you. You never texted me once over the weekend" the silverette pouted and slumped on her chair.

Mamoru did the same. "Sorry. Some stuff came up"she reasoned out.

However, being her friend for the last 2 years, Kikuchi knew that she was lying. "What really happened, Mamoru?" Kikuchi softly asked, scooting closer to Mamoru's table.

The brunette didn't want to involve her. How was she supposed to say to the girl that she was undoubtly in love with Keiji?

Mamoru shook her head and faced front, "Nothing you should be overly concerned of Kikuchi" she bluntly replied.

Hurt by her own friend's distrust towards her, Kikuchi hung her head down low. "Even though I'm this close to you, why do you always seem so unreachable, Mamoru?" She whispered, barely audible.

The brunette hummed, "Did you say something?"

Kikuchi displyed a fake smile, "Nothing you should be overly concerned of" she replied, qouting what Mamoru said earlier.

With a heavy heart, Kikuchi returned to her seat, feeling distant as ever to her own friend.

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