Chapter 6

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Keiji walked under the lit up lamp posts on their way home, happy that Hinami is currently walking by his side.

"Did you enjoy?" The ravenette asked, scooting closer to the female.

Hinami gave him a smile and a reassuring nod, "Of course. I never thought you like sweets" she replied.

Keiji returned the gesture, "Mamoru and I grew up eating sweets baked by our mothers, explaining why I have a sweet tooth" at the mention of her name, Keiji shone brighter than before.

"It was surprising for me" Hinami chuckled.

The boy made his way behind her and fished out a yellow scrunchie from his pocket. "Um, I bought something for you. Can I tie your hair up, Hinami-san?"

Touched by his offer, Hinami gleefully accepted. "Please do"

Hinami couldn't help but notice how gentle he was handling her hair and how skillful he was at tying it up in a pretty fishtail. As a girl, even she was amazed by how it turned out.

"Sugoii Keiji-kun! How are you so good at this?" She said in awe.

Keiji felt happy from the compliment he just recieved, and scratched the back of his head, "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" Hinami beamed, showing a wide smile. "Where did you learn this?"

"Well Mamoru always had long hair and so I decided to learn it for her. She would often come up to me to braid it or tie up nicely. And there's this one time at her house—"

Everything Keiji was saying was mutes to Hinami's ears. It was the same old talk about Mamoru and she's had enough of it.

Hinami noticed how happy he looked whenever he talks about his bestfriend. And for some reason, he would always slip in comments about her as they spoke to each other.

It troubled Hinami.

"Ne Keiji-kun"

The said boy hummed.

"Are you always like that with Akagai-san?"

Her question had Keiji confused, "Well yes, we've been together since we were kids" he replied. "Is there something wrong?"

Hinami met his gaze, "Please stop talking about Akagai-san whenever we're together. It makes me question whether you really like me or not, Keiji-kun"

The ravenette was stunned for a moment. "But I really do Hinami-san. Haven't I proved that much already?" Keiji stated.

Hinami hesitated for a moment, but, in the end, she wanted to be selfish. She already like him and wanted him all for herself.

"Then let's start dating Keiji-kun"

Mamoru felt happy spending time with Konoha inside the Aquarium. Thankfully, one final exhibit was left for them to enter.

The pair walked side by side in the busy streets of Tokyo, both still in awe by the views they saw. "Did you see that saw shark earlier? It was so big Akinori-san. And that stone fish? He looked grumpier than my grandpa."

Konoha chuckled as he watched the girl babble things in astonishment. "You must really like fishes Mamoru-chan" he commented and slipped his hands inside his pockets.

The brunette nodded, "They've always fascinated me since I was a kid" she replied.

"You see, fishes live in such a dangerous world where they would either be eaten by another sea creature or be food for us humans. Always living in constant fear yet whenever they swim away, it's wows me because even if their struggle is futile they would still try all the more." Mamoru explained, glancing sideways to face the blonde beside her.

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