Chapter 10

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"SHORT" Chapter Ahead

A month quickly passed and Keiji still didn't have any chance to talk to Mamoru

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A month quickly passed and Keiji still didn't have any chance to talk to Mamoru. Tomorrow was finally their training camp together with Nekoma, Karasuno and other schools in the Fukurodani Group, but his mind was still on Mamoru.

His studies were obviously affected, given that his participation in class became less. Even his relationship with Hinami became poorly cared for.

All he could think of was Mamoru. He missed her voice. Her face. Her presence. Her sense of humor. He missed the times they spent together.

He missed everything about her.

Yet he couldn't bring himself to leave everything and run to her side. Keiji felt all too guilty to leave Hinami after all the things he did to have her. He was sure that Hinami likes him too, and once upon a time he did as well.

Then why are these feelings budding inside his chest for someone like his best friend?

After what it seemed like a long time, the person Keiji wanted to see appeared willingly right in front of him.

"How have you been, Keiji?"Mamoru asked, smile a bit forced as she awkwardly scratched the back of her head.

Keiji wanted to run to her and engulf her in a big hug but the way she avoided his gaze prevented him from doing so.

"Not good." The ravenette sighed. "I miss you Mamoru. Why are you avoiding me?"

Keiji went straight to the point. He didn't want to go around in circles anymore. He wanted to understand his own bestfriend because even though he was the one closest to her, right now she seems like an unreadable book.

Mamoru chuckled, knowing all too well that Keiji would want answers.

"I didn't avoid you out of my own accord Keiji. You of all people should know that"

"What?"her unclear answer left him in confusion. "I don't understand"

The brunette sighed. "You know, I'm a prettt honest person Keiji. I didn't want to hide this nor leave you guessing for answers. But it became harder and harder everyday." Mamoru's sad and tired gaze met with Keiji's.

"What became harder Mamoru?"

For the last time, Mamoru heaved a heavy breath and stared up the sky. "Having feelings for you, Keiji" she answered.

Keiji was stunned for a moment. Eyes widening, as he waited for her to take it back. Waiting for her to say that it was one of her esteemed jokes that seemed all too real. Waiting for her to smile cheekily saying that she got him.

But it never came. Her face retained the soft expression she was wearing. "I don't know what to say right now Mamoru, I'm sorry" he states, giving her an honest reply.

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