Chapter 1

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Best Friends. The best out of all. The closest person to you whom you're able to tell your deepest and dirtiest secrets. The person you can be yourself around. Mamoru's mother used to say that your best friend is most likely your soulmate, whether that person is a girl or a boy. It's something she confirmed being friends with her high school bestie up until now. Before Mamoru herself, could even dream of having such a wonderful and envious relationship, Keiji was already there.

The two were diaper buddies, spending their whole childhood playing with each other, biting each other's fingers with salivas dripping like mindless babies. He's the son of her mother's best friend, Rima-san, and of course, being the child of her mother's most prized person, it was bound that the two of them will also be the best of friends. A predetermined destiny that they whole-heartedly accepted since both find each other's company comforting and natural.

"Mamoru, have you done your homework?" Keiji asked, sitting behind the brunette, and placed his chin on her shoulders as he peeked at the notes she was busy writing. Most people find him rather short on expressing his inner thoughts or feelings, but in reality, Keiji is a really sweet and caring person, though Mamoru is the only one aware of that fact. 

Scooting a bit to the side to give him room, the female gently shook him off, "Just so you know, you, being like that with me is the reason everyone's getting the wrong idea" Mamoru groaned, shaking her head lightly remembering how their neighbors teased the two of them almost everyday.  

Keiji shrugged and settled down beside his best friend, "As if I care about that. What's important is that I'm being affectionate to my most important person" he replied as a matter of fact, smiling warmly as he tucked a few pieces of her brown hair behind her ear.

Even Mamoru couldn't hold back the creeping blush on her cheek, but then, as soon as it came it was gone in a flash. The brunette pursed her lips and forced a smile, "You're saying that but when you find a girlfriend it's going to be different" she states and continues to focus on the notes she was scribbling.

Keiji hummed as he placed a hand under his chin, trying to think about what the girl just said. "I don't think anything will change though. You'll still be my best friend, we'd just have another person accompanying us everyday."

This isn't good. What is this feeling budding inside her chest? Why is she feeling such discomfort? She wasn't supposed to feel like this, yet why is it persistently staying.

It was a rule she swore not to do. A rule she made with herself. Never, ever, go beyond friends. And yet here she was breaking her so-called promise.

The brunette just nodded, "Is that so?" was her last reply before she became completely silent as Keiji started babbling about the things that happened in his class.

Maybe it's just me misunderstanding myself. I should stop this. Mamoru let out a long heavy sigh.

 Mamoru let out a long heavy sigh

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