Epilogue : Keiji

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—A continuation from the original ending—

"Are you being serious right now? Keiji I did so much to accept this one sided love I have for you"she protested, still hesitant to believe him.

Mamoru spent years in the states trying hard to accept the fact that it's impossible to be together with Keiji. Her place beside him was only as a friend and nothing more.

During her 7 year stay there, she pushed herself to work hard. She wanted to at least take a bit of her mind off that fact. Mamoru tried dating a lot of guys there in the states but for some reason, they would end up breaking up with her because she seemed to be uninterested.

2 years before she came back, she contacted Konoha and met up with him. She wanted to have someone who understands and will be there to at least make her a bit happy. She apologized many times to him because she ended up rejecting him back then.

"Is it too late? Am I too late Mamoru?"

The brunette shook her head violently in protest. "Keiji I already accepted that a future where you and I ends up together is just a dream. Why are you suddenly telling me this now?"

"I'm sorry I was too blind to see the you who always stayed beside me. I was hung up on finding my ideal girl. I'm sorry Mamoru" Keiji sighed as he muttered an apology.

"Are you married now?" The ravenette asked again. "I'm sorry if I didn't ask first before confessing"he added.

Staring at his awkward figure as he fidgeted with his fingers, Mamoru wanted to slap herself awake. Is he telling the truth before? Does he really love her?

"I'm not married"

A glint of hope lit up in Keiji's eyes as he faced her again. "T-Then-I mean w-why?"

"Nobody seemed to accept the me who was still stuck loving you" the brunette replied.

Keiji looked so apologetic right now, his eyes falling down to his fidgeting hands. "I-I'm so sorry Maru. I was the reason you had a hard time yet here I am proclaiming that I love you." He sighed. "Let's go. I'll drop you home"

Dejectedly, Keiji stood up and started walking down the slide. As he turned his back and took another step,

"How much of a fool are you to think that I don't love you anymore?"

Keiji spun quickly and saw his beloved woman with arms wide open, and a smile plastered on her face.

e n d o f t h e s t o r y

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