Chapter 4

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Things weren't easy for Mamoru lately. Faced with the same unease and heavy feeling in her heart whenever Keiji would miss their daily hang out every night, it became harder for her to understand her own feelings.

She knows that as his friend, she was supposed to be on his side and support him in any way possible. Keiji noticed something's wrong and often asked.

But how is she supposed to tell him that she was missing him and she was feeling down because he hadn't been spending time with her lately?

Today wasn't any better. It's been almost a month since Keiji started going to school and walking Hinami home everyday.

"Mamoru, I'll be going ahead. Hinami-san's waiting for me. Be careful on your way to school okay?" the ravenette hastily bid farewell and was off in a flash.

"I'll make it up to you tomorrow!" Keiji added, pertaining to their trip to the aquarium tomorrow. It was their usual plan whenever their friendship anniversary happens

"Yeah, have a safe trip Keiji" Mamoru smiled, a bit happy that he remembered what day it is tomorrow.

She could only stare at his back, wishing that he would turn around and walk with her together to school again. "Pfft. Stop getting your hopes up Mamoru" she whispered and hurried to the bathroom to get ready.

The brunette finished fixing herself up and gloomily walked to school. Before she could even plug in her earphones, a certain someone tapped her from behind.

"Ohayou, Mamoru-chan" Konoha greeter with a smile and placed a hand on the said girl's head.

Glancing above, Mamoru returned a small nod, "Ohayou. This isn't your usual route to school Akinori-san, what are you doing here?"she asked, finding it weird since Konoha lived in a different part of Tokyo.

Konoha shrugged, still smiling at the girl walking next to him, "I don't know. I just had a hunch that someone's going to school alone again" he replied and gave the girl a playful wink.

The corner of Mamoru's lips curled up at his answer, "Wow, that's an amazing hunch you have Akinori-san" she said.

Taken aback as he saw the brunette smile at him, Konoha's cheek started to color crimson.

"Are you okay Akinori-san?" Mamoru noticed him acting strangely.

Konoha shook his head and covered half of his face with his hand, "Um no, I-I just saw something really cute" was his answer.

Feeling no need to question him further, Mamoru hummed a flat tone and redirected her sight forward. Meanwhilst Konoha kept cursing himself for finding her smile extremely attractive.

It's not my first time seeing a smile, yet why does hers have to be so damn pretty? Damn you Akaashi for witnessing it everyday.


The two reached Fukurodani rather quickly with Konoha initiating small talks with the slightly interested Mamoru.

"You usually drop by the gym first Mamoru-chan. Is there a problem?" He asked, noticing the girl walking towards the school's entrance.

Mamoru turned around to look at him, "It's nothing. I just thought it wouldn't be polite of me go there since I'm scheduled afterclass" she answered-lied rather.

Konoha watched as the brunette started pursing her lips uncomfortably, giving him a hint that she's sparing him the truth. "Are you sure it's not because of Akaashi and Hinami?"

From the way Mamoru flinched and her eyes widening in response to his question, Konoha confirmed that it was indeed the reason why she stopped dropping by every morning.

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