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Charlotte James had many secrets that very few knew of. One of the few in the know, was her journal - she believed diaries were for people with daddy issues. Her pen touched the paper as she licked her slightly chapped lips and began to write; "I tried to face my demons, but then I realised that I am my own..."

Her bright red hair demanded attention as her hand wrote at an inhuman speed. "I'm a speed demon," Charlotte giggled under her breath as she continued to write down her many troubles. Charlotte James was a demon. A 547-year-old demon to be exact. She had been to Hell and back, more times than she could count on both of her hands. Charlotte wasn't the Devil's daughter but rather just an unfortunate girl who was cursed by some old woman. Charlotte remembers her father being the one to light the poor witch on fire at the stake, and in return cursed the man's first born - his daughter, Charlotte James.

Charlotte had lived an extremely normal life, until she died unexpectedly at the of eighteen. Charlotte only knows that she developed some form of flu that was incurable. An excruciating pain led her to a suddenly hot, humid street. She was greeted by none other than the very witch that cursed her. And from there, well let's just say, after Charlotte learned of her power and new status - demon child; that wouldn't be accepted on a Facebook account - the witch was no longer 'around' to tell the tale. 

The girl had found many positive things that came with being a demon; she could make and control fire to her desire, her eyes could become a pitch black on demand and that allowed her to absorb a person's soul, and she was immortal. The last point was never a constant on her list of positives. And so the youthful girl sat on her spinning chair as she thought about her new start in a small town named after a utensil - Forks, Washington...

"Thank you for flying with American Airways, and have a safe trip..." Charlotte scoffed loudly at the obnoxious voice, earning glares from a few of the passengers. She grabbed her little luggage and followed a small brunette off the plane. Charlotte giggled to herself each time she watched the human girl trip and then regain her balance, only to lose it again within seconds. The girl's name was Bella - or so it said on her hand luggage label, at least.

"Do you need any help?" Charlotte offered Bella, startling her and resulting in the girl's bag to fall onto the floor. Charlotte smirked as she watched Bella stare openly at the stunning immortal. Her fiery red hair contrasted against her paper white skin. Her body was constantly hot, yet she never formed sweat. Charlotte's eye colour was currently a light brown - a recent soul snacking did her good - as she watched the human girl study her. "Um I-I'm okay, thank you though. I'm Bella Swan." Bella's outstretched hand was soft in Charlotte's own. The human gasped at her body temperature, but said nothing else. "Charlotte James, lovely to meet you." And with that, the 547-year-old made her way towards the airport exit, a stunned Bella watching her leave, her luggage scattered across the airport floors forgotten.

Charlotte wandered the streets of Forks, studying the houses and residence of the small town. Everyone seemed nice and friendly to one another and yet Charlotte could see through all of their acts. She could see the pure evil each member held in their souls, not much for a small town, but enough. The town seemed relatively deserted due to the small population of Forks but everyone knew everyone and yet nobody knew the stunningly pale girl who graced them with her presence. Charlotte didn't see herself as the perfect girl people saw but instead she saw a girl who was unlucky in every sense possible. At the age of 547, she had met all kinds of people: from Adolf Hitler; she played a game of chess with the man himself, to Marie Curie; an amazing woman who made such a difference to the world today. She knew the difference between pure evil and petty evil.

Lost in thought, she didn't notice the bronze-haired boy walking in her direction. "Oof," Charlotte stumbled slightly as she came into contact with a cold, solid object. She suspected it to be a wall, and in her embarrassment, looked up only to be met with eyes so dark, they could rival her own. She noticed his unnaturally pale skin; it was cold, the opposite of hers and as solid as marble. The boy stared at her, an irritated expression on his face, and proceeded to continue his walk. His posture was impeccable for today's society as he walked like he had a book balanced on his head and she noticed his mannerisms to be from the early 1900's. Charlotte listened for a heartbeat or blood flowing through his veins and heard nothing. "Vampire," Charlotte whispered under her breath, watching her idea being confirmed when the bronze-haired boy's gaze turned quickly into her direction. A small smirk appeared on her face as she watched his expression change as rapidly as a girls' mood swings. His face was scrunched up, his eyebrows raised as the girl strolled away from him, curious as ever. But you know what they say after all, curiosity killed the cat. But Charlotte wasn't a cat, she was a demon...

 But Charlotte wasn't a cat, she was a demon

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A/N: Hello everybody! I'm sorry this chapter is kinda short but hopefully I'll be able to make longer chapters and start updating more frequently... If you have any ideas or constructive criticism then please let me know! Hope you are all well and copying during quarantine!

Word Count: 1000

INNER DEMONS (edward cullen)Where stories live. Discover now