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"Seriously? This is not good timing," Charlotte huffed as she took in the all too familiar alleyway in Hell. She looked around for her usual guide but found none other than the Devil himself. The man she now knew to be called Lucifer smirked at her frustration. "Charlotte, my child, a pleasure as always." She nodded, her expression unclear as she tried to understand the meaning of her sudden calling...


"A promotion? Like humans do on Earth?" Charlotte's question rang out into the desolate alleyway. Lucifer nodded at her, a genuine smile on his face. "I did promise that I would be watching you, and here we are, correct? An offer you can't refused has been placed on the table in front of you, and you simply cannot turn this down." Charlotte nodded slowly along with his words. She physically and mentally couldn't turn down the offer, her loyalty lay with the Devil before her and she couldn't go against an order. "Of course, I'm grateful for this opportunity, but may I ask just what this 'promotion' entails?" 

A seeker; chooses the souls most suited to becoming Soul Searchers. Charlotte would now be in the same position as that Witch who cursed her to this life, their power would be equal now, maybe even slightly stronger. "You have great potential, little one, and I will get it out of you one way or another," Lucifer watched Charlotte taking in all of this information, "So, any questions?" His voice was cheerful, like a child asking to go to the park and play. The thought of Edward ran through her brain and she worried about how he had left. A sudden burst of courage filled her and she locked eyes with the man rumoured to kill with his own; "What time will I be sent back to on Earth?" Lucifer's eyes sparkled with interest; "Ah, yes! The vampire boyfriend and his family will be worried. Do not fear, my child, I'm sure a couple days after your disappearance won't do too much harm..."

Charlotte wanted to call out his actions, the knowing glimmer in Lucifer's eyes showed her that he knew something. Something that she didn't. But arguing with the Devil was, of course, out of the question should she wish to actually return to Earth again. "Thank you, your generosity does not go unnoticed." And with that, her vision turned to pure white and a floating feeling replaced her body.


The familiar room in the Cullen house appeared before her; the last room she had been in. She scanned the room with wide eyes and noticed the only person in the room to be Emmett Cullen. His own topaz eyes were wide as he stared at her, shocked at her sudden appearance. "Woah, can you teach me how to do that?" Charlotte laughed at him and ran full speed into his open arms. "Where's Edward?" He chuckled at her eagerness to see the brooding vampire and he pointed into the direction of the woods. She turned to follow the path to Edward but was stopped by a concerned Emmett. All signs of playfulness were gone as he took in her appearance. "Hey Charlotte, I think you better head up to Carlisle's office first. I don't know how but your forehead has blood on it." Charlotte's mouth gaped open at his statement and she took a cautious step away from the vampire, even more confused about how a 500 year old body could still posses the ability to 'bleed'. "No, don't worry," Emmett assured her, "It's not exactly an appetising smell, death doesn't really do it for me." His bellowing laugh physically shook the room and started another bout of laughter from the pair.

"Carlisle?" Charlotte's voice was quiet as she knocked softly on the doctor's study. A sudden movement from inside alerted her before the door flew open. "Hello Charlotte, how can I help?" His smile was reassuring and gentle as he motioned for her to enter. And that's when the rambling began: "I didn't even know I could still bleed!" "Can I bleed, like is it actually blood?"  "What how long have I been away for?"  "Where is everyone, anyway?" "No, never mind, I just need to see Edwa-" Carlisle shut the door and coughed loudly, cutting her off. "Calm down Charlotte. I'll try my best to answer your questions. Now, I don't believe it is blood but it seems to have the same consistency as a humans, but the smell is off. Esme, Alice, Rosalie and Jasper have gone hunting whilst Edward is off in the forest. It's been three days..."

The 'three days' echoed in her thoughts. Three days of worrying. Three days of confusion. Three days... "Charlotte? I asked if you would mind sitting down for me," Carlisle asked, leading her to a leather chair in the corner of the room. His medical supplies were laid out already and Charlotte assumed that she had zoned out whilst he prepared it all. Carlisle worked gently on her forehead, nose scrunching when he couldn't find a cut underneath the blood. Charlotte felt like how she assumed a drunk person would feel; completely in another world, absolutely zero fucks given. 

"Have you seen yourself in the mirror, Doc?" Charlotte asked Dr. Cullen, flinching every time he would remove the blood on her forehead. "I don't tend to look at myself. Not even the reflection in the mirror." Charlotte looked Carlisle up and down, absorbing his youthful appearance, and smirked; "You know, if you weren't with Esme, I would smash..."

»»———————— ————————««

Word Count: 931

A/N: Thank you everyone for being so patient with me recently! All of your lovely comments have really helped me to try and get back on track with everything and I think life just seemed to have caught up with me! The next chapter will be when everything kicks off so buckle your seat belts because Edward's gonna be a dick but Charlotte can hold her own and won't be putting up with his shit quite so easily! 

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