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Charlotte had found herself a quaint house in the woods. It was perfect for her in the respect that nobody was around her. She didn't enjoy unnecessary social interaction with anybody and if someone tried, they would instantly regret it. Charlotte had been to many places throughout her 500+ years of life and so of course she knew about the existence of vampires, shape-shifters, mermaids. Don't even get her started on the fairies.

Her small home was nicely furnished and followed her grey and white colour scheme; she might be a demon but that doesn't mean her favourite colour has to be black. And anyways, her clothes made up for that. Relaxing against a grey love-seat, Charlotte tugged her black leather jacket from her torso, sighing when she finally removed the item of clothing. Her head rested gently against her pillow as she thought about her never-ending future. The cycle was beginning to get extremely tedious to the girl and she was certain that there was no point to her existence - except taking evil peoples' souls for the Devil.

Charlotte woke with a large gasp of air. She didn't remember falling asleep but here she was still in the love-seat that she had chosen to rest in the previous day. "Oh shit, I've got school!" Charlotte shouted in realisation. It's not like anyone was going to hear her but she enjoyed talking out loud - it helped her to process things easier. 

The wardrobe was a french pattern, painted a smooth white colour. Her bed sat untouched in the centre of her bedroom; pink and white pillows sat on top of a silk grey bedspread. Charlotte grabbed a pair of light grey jeans and paired them with a cream top that had small blue flowers on it. She smiled to herself in the mirror as she looked at her appearance. Her body was gorgeous and she didn't even had to workout. What an easy life! 

Once she had her leather jacket on, Charlotte began her short walk to school. She didn't bother to lock the door to her house. She would be able to trace any intruders anyway, Forks seemed to be a pretty safe place to her and also it wasn't really her house so she didn't exactly have a set of keys at hand. The headphones in her pocket were a tangled mess and so Charlotte spent half of her walk fighting with the thin rubber wires, attempting to untie any knots. She listened to her music and hummed along quietly, a spring in her step.

One thing about small towns meant a small community, usually a tight-knit community. Everyone knew everyone and newcomers weren't always very welcome. And as Charlotte walked into the small building they called Forks' High School, she understood the stares and whispers she was receiving. Some of the boys would smile and whistle at her whilst the girls sent her death glares that were meant as warnings, but all Charlotte received was some amusement. Her schedule was just like any other students'; English, Calculus, Gym, Biology and Art. Charlotte had multiple degrees in all of these subjects, as well as others. She enjoyed learning new things but schools could only offer so much to a 547-year-old demon...

The whispers only increased as Charlotte went about her day, the reoccurring name 'Cullen' being muttered around her presence. The name sounded familiar and yet the demon girl couldn't put a finger on it. In all honestly, she really didn't care anymore. She was heading to the school's poor excuse of a cafeteria with two girls who introduced themselves to be Jessica Stanley and Lauren Mallory. Charlotte could tell that they were malicious towards her but she brushed it off and accepted their invitation to the friend group they were a part of.

"Eric Yorkie, Mike Newton, Tyler Crowley, Angela Webber, Ben Cheney, and another new girl, Bella Swan," Jess introduced Charlotte to the table and they all gave small greetings of welcome. Angela came off as a friendly, gentle girl as she sat leaning against her boyfriend, Ben. Mike, Tyler and Eric spent the first five minutes of Charlotte's arrival shamelessly flirting with her and Bella. Noticing Bella's discomfort, Charlotte turned her attention towards the young human. "Did you manage well with your luggage?" She asked politely, smiling at the fond memory of the girl fighting with her bags. Bella's face flushed a deep crimson as she stuttered back a reply, shifting uncomfortably in her seat, "Ye- yeah, I, um, yeah I did." Charlotte nodded at her reply and turned towards Jessica who was staring intently at her face. "Is there a problem?" She asked, her voice friendly but her expression anything but. Jessica flashed her a fake smile and tilted her head, "No, but I was just wondering if you happened to be related to the Cullens'?" Charlotte's smile faltered at hearing the familiar name, shaking her head at Jessica's question. 

Who were these Cullens' everyone was comparing her to? I mean, Charlotte may be a demon who has gone through the school system one time too many but she wasn't the best at connecting dots, and she was not expecting the bronze-haired boy to be a 'Cullen'... 

The atmosphere in the cafeteria changed completely when the Cullens' entered. The room fell into complete silence as onlookers stared with jealousy and want. They really were gorgeous and even Charlotte could agree on that, and they were also really dead. No heartbeat sounded from their table and Charlotte watched closely throughout lunch, coming to the decision that they most definitely were vampires, did she then focus her attention back to her 'friend group'.

"Totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody here's good enough for him. What do I care, you know?" Jess was talking to Bella about the bronze-haired boy, but she had missed his name. The clumsy brunette continued to openly stare at the vampires and Lauren interrupted her little stare competition with Bronzie. "Hey Bella, don't waste your time on him," she told her, sounding like a friend but what all of the humans missed was her small comment of "he's mine." Charlotte raised her eyebrows at what she heard but kept her mouth closed, settling on sipping the can of coke that sat in front of her. Charlotte may be a demon, but she could still binge on human foods and drinks, although they tasted different to her overly sensitive tongue. The coke left an acidic burning trail down her throat but she enjoyed it. Unnatural to her felt like home and home was a comfort to the demon girl. 

Bella mumbled a small, "I wasn't planning on it," and that's when Mike turned to Charlotte and started to not-so-subtly look her up and down. Charlotte snapped her head in his direction, giving him one of her terrifying well-known looks. "Like what you see?" she added, watching with satisfaction when his face turned a crimson red, from being caught, that matched Bella's previous reaction to her embarrassment. Charlotte noticed a blonde-haired vampire boy stiffen from across the room. "I just don't get how you aren't related to the Cullens'," Mike added after a moment of thought, Eric and Tyler nodded with agreement. Charlotte scoffed, turning in the vampires' directions. All of their eyes were on her and she could see their lips moving at a speed impossible for a human to follow. Her light brown eyes skimmed returned to Mike's, looking into his soul, he had little to no evil in him, and that made Charlotte almost joyful that she wouldn't have to take the boy; he was a teenager after all and 17-year-old boys did have hormones so she couldn't blame his staring earlier.

Charlotte opened her mouth, revealing perfect, pearly white teeth, about to defend her honour for being compared to a blood-sucking creature, when the school bell screeched, upsetting Charlotte's ears and signalling to the students' that their next lesson was about to begin. The old, slightly-broken door squeaked in protest at the amount of students' pushing at it, exiting the small, overcrowded room.

"What have you both got now? Bella? Charlotte?" Angela asked after them as they followed the crowd toward the exit. Angela's soul was a pure one and they were rare to come across, as was Ben's.They would be given a free ticket straight to Heaven and that made Charlotte happy. She may be a demon, but she had feelings and emotions too. "Biology," Bella replied, bringing her from the train of thoughts Charlotte tended to live in. "Oh, yeah, me too." Angela smile at both girls, pulling Ben in front of her. "So does Ben. He'll show you the way," and with that Angela left a small peck on his cheek and turning around to head towards her photography class.

Ben scratched the back of his neck as he addressed the two new students. "So,um, this is it. AP Biology with Mr. Molina. He's nice as long as you hand your homework in on time." Ben's social skills weren't the best in the world, he was shy and a quiet boy - a perfect match for Angela. "Thanks Ben!" Charlotte patted him on the shoulder, ignoring the look she got when her scorching skin sent a burning feeling into his shoulder. He smiled, too polite to say anything and followed Bella and Charlotte into the classroom, taking his designated space that had an open place next to it. Charlotte noticed a spare seat next to the very bronze-haired boy she couldn't name and it was then that she began a practise she had never done. She prayed to the Heaven's above that she got the seat next to Ben...

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Word count: 1619

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