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"Happy birthday, Charlotte!" All of the Cullens' were gathered in the large living room and Charlotte smiled at them all. Red candles and red roses were scattered around the room, Alice adding that she knew "Red is your favourite colour."

There was a table with a red velvet birthday cake, and red sprinkles, and a pile of presents hidden inside red wrapping paper. Charlotte felt her eyes grow glossy and she smiled again brightly at Edward. "I've never had a birthday party, but this is everything and more of what I imagined it to be like, so thank you everyone." Charlotte rushed around the room, hugging everyone that would accept a hug.

Edward pulled Charlotte into a tight hug and kissed the top of her head.
"We're so glad that you like it," Esme said. Carlisle chuckled at his wife, adding in his part, "Good thing too, because nobody can control Alice when it comes to planning ."
Rosalie and Emmett stood behind them. Rosalie smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. Emmett's face was stretched into a huge grin, showing off his sharp, white teeth.

"So," Emmett said. "How does it feel to be 548? Any different?" Charlotte giggled at him, "The same and no different. I'm a demon so it's not like I physically age anyway."
He laughed, "I don't know,"—he paused to wink at Charlotte—"Is that a wrinkle I see?"

Alice let go of Jasper's hand and skipped forward, her hands outstretched to Charlotte. Jasper smiled, but kept his distance. He stood to the side, nearest to Emmett and Rosalie. Charlotte knew that Jasper had more trouble sticking to the Cullens' diet than the rest of them; her scent of death was hard for him, as well as the others, to prevent attacking her, after all it was their instinct to danger and that was what she was classed as for them.

"Time to open presents," Alice announced, dragging Charlotte to the table with the cake and the presents. Charlotte followed the pixie willingly, "I've never had anything given to me before." Charlotte looked at the gifts in awe, missing the sad looks on the Cullens' faces.

"Well, you do now!" Alice lightened the conversation. "Open this one, it's from Emmett." She placed a big, square shiny red box in her hands. I felt light in her hands and she shook it gently, hearing something small bouncing around it there. She pulled apart the paper concealing the gift and ripped the box open. Inside lay a Halloween accessory. A red-sequined devil's horn headband.

She heard Emmett's booming laugh from across the room, and she couldn't help laughing, too. "You have to wear it for the rest of the evening and for the Halloween school dance, you're going as a demon and Edward has to go as a vampire. Giggles escaped Charlotte as she slipped the headband on. "It matches your hair," Emmett added, bursting into another laughing fit.

"Open Edward's next," Alice said, so excited her voice was a high-pitched trill. She held a small, square in her hand. The anticipation was overwhelming for Charlotte and without realising, she was opening it at superhuman speed. A small, red velvet box sat in her hand and she gently opened the lid. A gasp escaped her lips as she stroked a small heart necklace. Engraved on the front 'Now and Forever...'

"Edward," Charlotte's mouth was open as she stared at him. "I hope this wasn't expensive," she told him. "I didn't spend a dime," Edward assured her. "In fact, I made it." He brushed a strand of red hair from her face, leaving a trail of cold from his touch on her skin as he locked the necklace around her neck. She inhaled deeply and turned to Alice. "Did you know about this?" Alice just huffed, shaking her head at Charlotte. "It was a surprise, no one knew and I had spent ages trying to find out what it was, but he used my blind spots so my visions were pointless." Emmett chuckled at Alice's frustration. Charlotte turned back to Edward, "You need to teach me about these blind spots."

Alice shook her head again, picking up another little package, whilst rolling her eyes at Edward while Charlotte accepted it from Alice. "Something feels off," she muttered, pulling at the paper. She felt a sharp pain in the left side of her head and reached up to feel her head. She brought her hand down and saw a thick, black liquid on her hand. Panic flared throughout her body and Charlotte looked up at Edward. "They're calling me back," her voice was quiet as she felt her legs fold out from underneath her.

It all happened very quickly then. "Who?" Edward demanded, his arms wrapped tightly around the girl on the floor. "The Devil..."

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Word Count: 797

A/N: just a short one this time, but the next one will be longer than usual :)

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