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Charlotte could feel it was too early again when she woke, but she knew her sleep schedule was non-existent anyway. She lay in the bed and listened to the quiet voices of Alice and Jasper in the other room. Charlotte noted that they were still speaking in hushed whispers, even though no one else was around to hear. She looked into the mirror and noticed that her eyes had returned to their usual light brown and she felt alot more relaxed- less alert.

The clock on the TV said it was just after two in the morning and Charlotte nodded to herself. Alice and Jasper were sitting together on the sofa, Alice sketching again while Jasper looked over her shoulder. They didn't look up when she entered, too engrossed in Alice's work. Charlotte walked over to Jasper's side to peek. "Did she see something more?" she asked him quietly. Jasper nodded; "Yes. Something's brought him back to the room with the voice recorder, but it's light now."

She watched intently as Alice drew a square room with dark beams across its low ceiling. The walls were panelled in wood, a little too dark, it looked slightly unstable. The floor had a light carpet with a small stain on. There was a large window against the south wall, and an opening through the west wall led to the only exit. One side of that exit was stone.

"Charlotte," Alice said. She looked at her numbly.

"Edward is coming to get you. He and Emmett and Carlisle are going to take you somewhere, to hide you for a while. Their catching the first flight out of Seattle. We'll meet him at the airport, and you'll leave with him." Charlotte nodded, her eyes darkening with her thoughts; "And what if you get hurt, Alice? Do you think that's okay with me? Do you think I wouldn't be bothered if one of you get hurt?" Her voice was high and she could feel Jasper trying to calm her down. "Stop it Jasper, or I'll make you!" Charlotte snapped at him, unblinking as anger surged through her body. What she hadn't expected to happen was the windows to fly open and slam against the walls.

Alice looked meaningfully at Jasper. The lethargic feeling went away within seconds as Jasper continued to stare at the demon girl, and Alice was running around shutting all of the windows. Charlotte walked to the bedroom and shut the door, slammed it really, so she could be free to go to pieces privately. This time Alice didn't try to follow her. She sat there, expressionless as she stared at a wall, her body was wrapped into itself in a protective manner.

Her mind went around in circles, trying to come up with some way out of this nightmare. She was a demon, for Hell's sake, she could beat a pathetic vampire. When a phone rang out into the silence, Charlotte returned to the front room, a little ashamed of her behaviour. Charlotte hoped that they would know how grateful she was for the sacrifices they were making on her account.

Alice was talking as rapidly as ever, but what caught her attention was that, for the first time, Jasper was not in the room.She looked at the clock — it was five-thirty in the morning. "They're just boarding their plane," Alice told her. "They'll land at nine-forty-five." Just a few more hours...

"Where's Jasper?" Charlotte asked, playing with her long, red hair. "He went to check out." Alice replied, and Charlotte nodded. "I'm really sorry about earlier. I din't know that could happen," she apologised. Alice, being Alice, just smiled and gave a quick hug. "No blood, no foul." Charlotte scoffed at the vampire girl and shook her head at her playfully.

The phone rang again, distracting her. She looked surprised, but Charlotte was already walking forward, reaching hopefully for the phone. "Hello?" Alice asked. "No, she's right here." She held the phone out to Charlotte. It's Bella, she mouthed, shrugging her shoulders at the questioning look.

"Hello?" Charlotte asked, her voice confused. "Charlotte? Are you there?" It was definitely Bella's voice, it was her high-pitched, awkward voice. But what caught her out was the sound of panic. "Calm down, Bella," Charlotte told her in an annoyed voice, walking slowly away from Alice. "Everything is fine, okay? I just had a family emergency, so I let town for a bit. If this is about homework or something, just post it through my door please."

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