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"Welcome to Biology. I'm Mr. Molina and you girls' are just in time for our Zombie worms experiment, lucky you!" His enthusiasm was a rare sight for a teacher in such a small town. Charlotte's Gym and English teachers had held such a monotone voice, the demon girl could feel herself slipping into the peaceful abyss of sleep. 

"Bella, you can take a seat next to Mr. Cheney and Charlotte next to Mr. Cullen!" His enthusiasm didn't falter once as he pointed to the two empty seats watching as the students followed his orders and took their new places.  Charlotte sighed as watched her new partner staring straight at the board, not sparing her a second glance. 'Asshole,' she thought to herself and jumped slightly when his glare turned in her direction. 'A mind reader? Interesting...'

His face became one of panic which he quickly concealed with his usual resting-bitch face. Charlotte was excited at her new discovery, she didn't know that they had talents too. She wondered if his little 'family' had any powers too. She was about to search his soul for evil when Mr. Molina interrupted her, passing around petri dishes that held the 'zombie worms'. His hand was held over his mouth and nose, confusing her slightly. Charlotte had blood in her veins, and sure it was a little hotter than others, it she was pretty sure it wouldn't taste as good as room temperature blood, right? Well, she was only a demon - how should she know?

The bronze-haired boy intrigued Charlotte and she watched him during the lesson; his mannerisms confirmed him to be from the early 1900's and she wondered how he became a vampire. Were those other vampires his actual siblings? Charlotte caught the Cullen sneaking glances at her when he believed she wasn't looking, but she was always looking at her surroundings - a habit she picked up in Hell, and a useful one at that.

Throughout the experiment, he didn't say a word to her. And nor did she to him, his pettiness was to not be acknowledged and she knew he wasn't worth her time; infinite or not. Charlotte wouldn't let him know it, but when he stormed out of the classroom, sending her a glare that rivalled her own, she was slightly upset and offended. She hadn't hurt him and she just didn't understand why he was being so rude. Maybe he knew what she was and that disgusted him? Maybe she smelt like death or something else? Or maybe he was just a bitch? She settled for option 3, giggling at her ideas. 

"What'd you do to Cullen?" Mike asked, curious at the possibility of drama, "Stab him with a pencil?" Charlotte jumped at the boy's sudden presence. Had he been behind her all lesson? Maybe she was so focused on Cullen that she forgot to keep her guard up. Charlotte thought about what Mike had just said and snorted at the image of her stabbing a vampire with a pencil. She flicked her bright hair over he shoulder, continuing to her next and final lesson, ignoring Mike Newton as she went and missing the death stare she was receiving from Bella Swan.

"Art! An important way of expressing oneself and exploring your mind. Today you will be having free reign of the art supplies and doing just that. Draw the first thing that comes to mind, don't change it! Stick with it, whether it's a doughnut or a donkey. I don't care, just draw it, okay?" Charlotte's art teacher was almost as unbearable as her English teacher. Although she was enthusiast about her subject, Charlotte found her teacher was slightly too fond of art. There wasn't a need to scream at your students when they were only ten metres away, so why did most teachers continue to do it?

With the instructions playing in her mind, Charlotte scanned the room for any art supplies she wanted to use and found two Cullens' staring intently at her. A small pixie girl with spiky, black hair she knew was called Alice and the blonde boy from lunch, whose name she didn't know. She remembered his reaction to Mike's blush and wondered if he was the youngest in the coven. His crescent-shaped bite marks that scattered his skin sent shivers down Charlotte's spine. What was the story behind them? Was he dangerous? Questions flooded her mind as she continued to stare at the couple. They seemed to be extremely interested in her and it unnerved the demon girl. She wasn't sure how old the vampire coven was and she certainly didn't feel like making enemies with a few thousand-year-old coven.

Charlotte could understand how people believed they might be related. They both had paper-white skin and all were unnaturally beautiful. They enticed their prey and made for good predators. The Cullens' all had unique smells and Charlotte had noticed that the bronze-haired Cullen boy had a much more appealing scent to her, but she didn't know why.

Her canvas was painted a white, soft paper designed to allow a pencil to glide smoothly across the surface. Charlotte collected her perfectly sharpened pencil and placed it gently onto her canvas. She sketched randomly, not thinking but letting her hand flow freely across the page, allowing her mind to take over. Her unnaturally red hair sat in a top-knot above her head, her light brown eyes flickering across the paper at such a rapid speed she felt like she was in a trance. Her neatly filled nails gripped the pencil as her hand made small pencil strokes adding detail to her drawing, completely ignoring her surroundings and zoning in on her task. 

Charlotte enjoyed drawing almost as much as she did reading and writing. Ever since she had learnt how to do both tasks, she had done so. Charlotte didn't require alot of sleep and often found herself reading and writing instead of sleeping. Drawing had been a stress-reliever for the demon girl, constantly having a lot of time on her hands. She had a sketch book of her family and many sketches of what she saw in Hell; those were for her only and she kept them locked away from any prying eyes.

Her attention was drawn back to her artwork when she noticed that her hand had stopped moving. The pencil's lead had finally come to an end just as her art was completed. She looked at it though thick eyelashes, her light brown eyes scanning the finished piece in front of her. A young girl looked back at Charlotte and she felt a connection to the girl. The mysterious girls' hair had gentle waves that matched Charlotte's own and her face had a soft look to it. Her eyes shone with innocence and knowledge. The small girls' necklace seemed very similar to Charlotte, but before she could look into it more the teacher was collecting the artwork and releasing everyone for the day. Charlotte begrudgingly handed it in, taking a last longing look at the young girl she wish she knew. 

Charlotte missed the look on Alice Cullen's face; a look that broadcasted to the world that she knew the ending as she stared lovingly at the piece of artwork Charlotte James had produced. The young girl staring back at her would change so many lives...

 The young girl staring back at her would change so many lives

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Word Count: 1240

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