Chapter 5

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     It had been 3 months since Rey started training Finn, and he was doing fairly well. She helped him craft a lightsaber. It was blue like the Skywalker lightsaber, but the hilt was curved a little. He still had a lot to learn, patience for one thing. He started off being very clumsy with a lightsaber, but that was improving a lot. Rey was helping him train with it when she told him she needed a break. It was a lot of work to train a jedi when you were 5 months pregnant with twins. Her back ached. She winced as she sat down.

     "Are you okay?" Poe asked as he walked up. "Yep, just taking a break," Rey answered. "Maybe you should wait to do this jedi stuff after you have had the babies," Poe told her as Finn was walking up. "Nope, I'm fine," Rey replied. "You sure?" Finn asked. "Yes! I'm positive," she replied getting frustrated with them asking so much. "Of course she's gonna say that, she doesn't want to let you down," Poe told him. "No, that isn't it," Rey told Poe as she glared at him. "I'm perfectly fine Finn." "Rey it's okay if...." Finn started. "Finn, I would tell you. Now come on, let's get back at it." Rey told him.

     Rey was watching Finn do his training course. "Good Finn, now..." she started but then he got shot by the training ball. "Ouch!" Finn shouted, but he wanted to say more. "Concentrate Finn. Reach out with your feelings." Rey told him. "Hold on, I want to try something." She went to get up but then she felt the babies move inside her, "whoa, I felt that." "What? Are you okay?" Finn asked as he came to her. "Yes, they were just... whooo alright you two that's enough for today," Rey said. "Maybe we should call it quits for today?" Finn asked concerned. "Yeah, we've done enough anyway, we will continue tomorrow." Rey replied. They went back in the house, and Rey laid down and rested.

A.N. 5th chapters out! I wanted to show a little bit of Finns training so I did. I've got lots planned for this book, and hope y'all are enjoying it. Sorry for the short chapters, that's how all of them are actually. Make sure to comment and vote! Thx for 58 reads so far!!

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