It's alright, Will.

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One-shot requested by Summer-Heat
Hopefully, this is something like what you had in mind.

Third person POV

Will and Nico we're walking home, after an amazing date. Will stops when they walk past an old man, seated on a bench across the road. "What's wrong, Tesoro?" Nico asks his worried looking boyfriend.

"You see he man over there?" He says, subtly pointing to the old man. Nico gives a small nod. "He has cancer, but doesn't know it. I think it could kill him. I don't know what to do! If I go and tell him it would blow our cover, but I don't want him to die because of me!" Will whispers, now reduced to tears.

Nico looks over at the man for a second while he hugs Will. "It's alright, Will. His wife is waiting for him in Elysium." Nico tells him, wiping the tears gently off his face. Will gives a small smile at that. "I guess that's not that bad." He states, sniffing.

Nico pecks him on the cheek. He nods his head in affirmation. "He's going to be ok. He lived a long, happy, life." Nico informs, taking Will's hand as they continue walking home.

Nico had Will wash up in the bathroom while he secretly set up a movie night to cheer Will up. They had a Disney marathon. Hercules was first, and they laughed their butts off every time 'Hades' showed up on screen. Will sighs in contentment as Nico falls asleep on his shoulder. He lays his head on Nico's and spreads the blanket over them before falling asleep as well.

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