The Librarian

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(Have 2 drafts that I'm going to try and finish, luckily they're almost done. One is from August, and one's from early September. Whoops.)

Will POV

"Please, Will! One time!" Kayla pleaded. "Fine, but just this once. Don't ask me to go again." I stated. She finally convinced me to drop off her book at the library and borrow a new one. Her excuse is that she 'doesn't feel like leaving the house'. GIRL, NEITHER DO I, UGH. But she promised to stop bothering me about it so I'll go.

~time skip to when Will arrives at the library~

I walk in and hear that bell sound when I open the door. Kayla said her book was in the romance section. Something about Faults in Stars? Anyways, I quickly find the book and pick it off the shelf. I decide against grabbing a book for my own.

I walk up to the desk at the front and when I look up my heart stops. Standing there, is the cutest guy I've ever seen. I'm not even lying. He had onyx hair, chocolate eyes, and pale ivory skin. The sunlight filtering in through the window made him practically glow. (A/N Why do I feel like I wrote that before-)

I hear him clear is throat and I snap out of my trance, my cheeks heating up. "Uhh, hi." I greet awkwardly. "Hello. How may I help you?" He asks, going back to stamping something. A/N I'm sorry, I haven't been to the library in a while, I prefer buying books.)

"I'm here to return a book and check out a new one." I explain, placing the books on the counter. He looks at them and then up at me. "Card please." He says, taking the books to scan them. I hand him Kayla's card.

He notices and apparently recognizes her. "You must be Kayla's brother, Will." He says. "She talks about you a lot." He returns to typing and scanning. I blush a bit more. She better not have said anything embarrassing. He seemed to notice my embarrassment. "Don't worry. She said all good things." He winked at me.


Ok, Will. Calm.

He just laughed at my most likely red face. "Shut up." I grumbled. "What's your name?" I ask, trying to fill the awkward silence. "Nico. Nico di Angelo." He says. "I'm Will Solace, but you probably knew that from Kayla."

We talk a little more before he finishes. "Well, it was nice meeting you. Will you be back?" He asks, handing me my book. "Um, yeah. Yeah, I'll come back soon." I smile. He smiles back, and I walk out practically melting inside.

~when Will gets home~

I slam the door open. Kayla's eyes turn straight to the doorway and she looks like a dear caught in headlights. She pauses the T.V. once I start to speak. "If you ever need to return your book or get a new one, I'm down the hallway." I say breathless from almost sprinting home.

"Let me guess. Nico di Angelo?" She teases like it was obvious with a small smile. "Yeah. Why didn't yo tell me someone as cute as him worked there?" I accuse, tossing her book at her. She catches it and laughs.

"I always asked you to go, you just didn't want to."
"That's because I prefer buying books so I can look back at them."
"It's true!"
"You barely read! All you do is play video games."
"I do read."
"Yeah, you'll start reading now, knowing Nico works there on everyday except Saturdays."
"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Don't ask me to go on a Saturday."
Kayla just rolls her eyes and unpauses the T.V. "What are you watching." I inquire, walking to the couch. I turn around and see that disgrace.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians
The Lightning Theif

"Excuse me, Kayla. Why are you watching this?"
"You need to get over the fact that the movies aren't the exact same as the books."
"Stop yelling, and get over your middle school obsession. It's either you watch it with me or leave."

I left.

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