Chapter 14 Mirages Idea

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Pre-reading note: this chapter is just made for some laughs and stuff like that so it's going to be off track a bit but I'd still consider reading it. I am also writing this as a forth of July special (Ignore the fact that there is no forth of July reference until the end)

When Octane and Wattson went into Trinkets room they saw and read a note on the floor and on it said Mr. Caustic has asked me to help with an experiment; since h is a good friend of Natalie I have decided to help him. If you need me you can find me on floor 7

"We don't need him but we should just go see how he's doing" Octane said

"Sure thing" Wattson responded


Upon arriving they heard gunshots and as the doors opened they had a green boily monster thing get shoved in the Elevator

"Get out of there!" Trinket yelled 

As Octane and Wattson leapt out the door closed and Octane grunted In pain

"What was that thing" Wattson said

"Ask Mirage, he's the on who had the idea" Caustic responded

"Hey, to be fair we were testing it on a rat" Mirage said 

"Did you forget that you're the one who let it out" Trinket yelled in anger

"Anyway, we were testing if Trinkets pulse blade could detect almost dead organisms but Mirage gave he idea of making it a zombie and we were like ok; It was going fine until Mirage let it out" Caustic said

"You boys and your passion to make everything look cool" Wattson said

"Now you're really starting like my  mom.. who doesn't really remember me" Mirage said as his voice got quieter the more words he said

"What about Wraith she's got to get to safety" Mirage said

"Too late they've already set a border around the building, wait what!" Trinket said

"Amigos, the elevator went to a different level a long time ago" Octane said

"Why didn't you tell us that!" Wattson said as she facepalmed

"I thought you guys already knew" Octane responded

"Oh crap, I gotta call path, he can grapple to us" Mirage said as he pulled out his holo-phone and explained to path what was happening

As pathfinder arrived through the window with Wraith in his arms Mirage instantly spoke "Put some pants on Wraith" Remarking that she had no pants on

"I was changing into my combat gear as soon as I hear the screams when path opened the door grabbed me and brought us up here" Wraith said

"Here take these" Caustic said as she handed her a large pair of pants with a belt

"Are we just going to totally ignore that she was wearing men's boxer briefs" Octane said

"She's wraith, she rarely shows skin" Wattson said

It was funny seeing wraith struggling to put on 3 sizes too big of jeans while after she got it on seeing the half combat gear half big jeans clothing that Wraith was wearing Mirage thought to himself

"Yo Caustic, got any weapons" Octane asked

As everyone loaded up their Peacekeepers Wraith said "Where did you get all of these anyway?"

"Best if you don't ask" Caustic responded as the elevator hit the lobby floor

"Let's go kill some zombie mother fu-"Wraith started to say but got interrupted

"Wait!" Wattson said as she closed the elevator door as fast as she could"We can just gas the place with a gas formula of Octanes stim

"Oh yeah, yo made it so that my stim gets rid of any effects; All I payed attemtion to was that I made me faster" Octane said in realization

"I've got the schematics on my holo-phone" Wattson said "Now we just need a way to make it"

"Leave that to me Caustic said"


Wraith had placed all the Caustic traps filled with the new formula by teleporting one place to another all throughout the building

When she teleported back to Caustics room she opened a portal to the roof of the building and said "Let's go"

When the group arrived the roof Wattson Pressed a button on her holo-phone and said "I bet you could say that we rewired their fuses, get it"

Everyone laughed and as fireworks went off in the distance Mirage said "What are fireworks doing here"

"I think that it's just an old core system tradition" Wattson said

Notes: I know i didn't need to write this but I had an idea and I figured what better way to celebrate than with Zombies, and I didn't want to take this up Mondays post because it has no real story but I wanted you guys to have something to read today

Have a good fourth of July (For anyone in America)

P.S. Zombies was just really fun to write about

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